Il Libero
S toricamente the role of a free born in Italy around the late '40s. It was one of our coach, that Gipo Vianna, to have one day a brilliant idea: he decided, quite sensational to put a player behind the defensive line whose sole job was to stop at all costs attacking enemy "escaped" with defenders scoring markers in front of him. So here ... born free, originally called "free beater" (in English sweeper, from "sweep, sweep, or sweep the ball), so called because, precisely, with no markings.
S toricamente the role of a free born in Italy around the late '40s. It was one of our coach, that Gipo Vianna, to have one day a brilliant idea: he decided, quite sensational to put a player behind the defensive line whose sole job was to stop at all costs attacking enemy "escaped" with defenders scoring markers in front of him. So here ... born free, originally called "free beater" (in English sweeper, from "sweep, sweep, or sweep the ball), so called because, precisely, with no markings.
Over the years the role of free evolves and becomes well-defined edges, standing in open and free defensive attack. The first is the backbone of the defense, able, with his charisma and his quality tactics, to direct the defense. The second is a more versatile player, able to defend that is to go forward using inserts palla al piede e rapide triangolazioni.

Non potevo che cominciare con Franz Beckenbauer , straordinario giocatore simbolo del Bayern Monaco e della Nazionale Tedesca (Germania West) of the 70. Franz is unanimously considered one of the strongest players and most successful of the entire history of football, as it is able to combine the technical director with those of the purest defender: a sort of fusion between these two roles. If we stick to the definitions Franz Beckenbauer is a free "attack", as it often loves to go forward using his technical skills, travel and ballistics. During his career moves also in the median line and midfield, but it is in a free role, which redefines and brought about the rise, which became famous. Franz is above all the captain courageous, fearless and backbone of the national team and club. The rest is a quick player, strong physically, with an extraordinary sense of the advance and amazing technical skills and dribbling. During 90 minutes of orchestra playing from the back and then, during the possession, pushing into attack exploiting unstoppable ball descended to the foot-delta that often lead to the conclusion from outside the box. Defensively speaking Franz tackles and excels in positioning: it was not a great scorer, but has used his skills and tactics in advance to be effective in limiting opponents often physically strong and very fast.

directs a defense of phenomena with indomitable skill, and extraordinary leadership skills combines an innate sense of tactics, which allows movement in perfect sync with the rest of his companions.
Tactically, the defender is perhaps more fort of all time: perfect positioning phase, has advance of exceptional talent and excellent marking. Is not a physically imposing player, but uses his great speed and endurance to make incredible advances reckless and ran towards the attacker launched opponent off guard.
Baresi After another Italian great interpreter of this role: Gaetano Scirea , the sample unlucky. Extraordinary and exemplary professional Gary Player has always been marked, as well as his class and his tactical skills, including an extraordinary honesty and professionalism in the field. Athlete respectful and respected by opponents and mates, has never received a single expulsion or a period of disqualification in his spotless career. Sample shy and introverted, the field was a unique and versatile player, able to move seamlessly in every area of \u200b\u200bthe field, demonstrating a natural inclination to teamwork and a willingness to sacrifice commendable. Gary is also a player with a technical background of the first order: steps, the first game, throwing long, and during his career he has also found several times via the network. So as not to give up the rising star moved Bearzot Bari on the median.
Altri straordinari interpreti di questo ruolo sono: Ronald Koeman, gigante olandese del Barcelona e della nazionale Orange, l'argentino "cannibale" Daniel Passarella, il capitano inglese e del West Ham Bobby Moore, il francese Laurent Blanc e il tedesco Matthias Sammer. Dagli anni 90 in poi il libero puro lentamente scompare, evolvendosi nei moderni centrali difensivi (center backs), giocatori in grado di svolgere sia il ruolo di marcatori (=stopper, marker in inglese) che quello di liberi, anche se con meno efficacia.
Alcuni grandi interpreti di this role:
Franz Beckenbauer - Germany - The free par excellence, credibility, vision, technique and style.
Franco Baresi - Italy - The free "pure" stronger than ever. Position sense, a very quick, brave and strong in the tackle.
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Elias Figueroa |
Gaetano Scirea - Italy - Very man team with excellent technical and tactical vehicles; exemplary professional on and off the field.
Bobby Moore - England - Defending British stronger than ever. Physically strong, great technical resources and excellent game viewing.
Daniel Passarella - Argentina - Player incredibly aggressive with the goal of vice; tenacious in marking, has a left and head that hurts is lethal.
Elias Figueroa - Chile - It 's South American defender stronger than ever: it is very physically strong, fast, reckless, with feet and educated with great aggression.
Ronald Koeman - Netherlands - Column of the Barcelona of the early 90's is not a quick and agile defender, but he has great physical strength, vision of the game and has one of the most right powerful in the game of football.
Laurent Blanc - France - also will have certain "amnesia" defensive but technically has a wealth of first-rate, and it is often asserted in goal area with appropriate entries.
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Armando Picchi: first floor. |
Armando Picchi - Italy-The brain of the Inter rearguard in the 60s. Excellent game viewing and great tactical means.
Morten Olsen - Denmark - Athlete of great charisma, strong head and with a sense of the ideal location.
Matthias Sammer - Germany - One of the latest free driver of Borussia Dortmund in the late 80's. Tactically perfect, capable of defending and attacking with equal effectiveness, and is strong in placements.
Uli Stielike - Germany - Another great school of your choice tedesca è stato un giocatore di forte temperamento, con senso dell'anticipo e importanti mezzi tecnici.
Alan Hansen - Scozia - Punto fermo del grande Liverpool degli anni 80 fu libero di gran rendimento, forte in marcatura e nel lancio lungo.
Velibor Vasovic - EX Jugoslavia - Capitano e trascinatore dell' ajax "totale" negli anni 70, eccelleva nei tackle e in campo era un autentico leader; spesso sottovalutato.
Ruud Krol - Olanda - A Napoli giocò da libero, e lo fece in maniera superba. In grado di giocare anche come terzino sinistro fu giocatore prestante fisicamente, con grande senso della posizione, forte nel tackle e nei calci da fermo.
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