Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fox On The Run Walks Through The Corn

Garrincha - The twisted legs angel

Q uella of Garrincha is a sad story, but also unique. It 's the story of how a child pelleossa and retort back that grows between the rivers and tropical forests of the Brazilian state of Pau becomes large, in a few years, a mythological figure of the most popular sport in the world. It 's the story of a child who spends all his days among trees and streams, hunting and fishing as a true inhabitant of the jungle. From a very early the sister Rosa Manuel sees the incredible likeness of a sparrow that lives in those areas, " Garrincha " (or cambaxirra ) , nomignolo che gli resterà incollato per tutta la vita...

  Capitano, quando la giochiamo la partita di ritorno?
            Garrincha, rivolgendosi ad un compagno dopo la vittoriosa finale contro la Svezia (1958)

L a vita di Manoel è quella di un bimbo che vive in stato semi-selvatico, dedito alla droga, all'alcool (che poi sarà la sua rovina) e al tabagismo. Il pallone seems to be his only escape: from an early age this young man shows a natural ability with the ball at the feet, especially in the technical act of dribbling. Nobody, not even the biggest boys, comes off the ball.
Manoel was 12, in eighth grade, he stopped to study, and some years later began to take their first jobs. At 16 he began working in a textile factory of the place, much work was messy and undisciplined as it was extraordinary in the amateur side of the factory. It was initially deployed playmaker, but then was immediately shifted to the right wing, his true home.
In a few months Manoel is on everyone's lips, and observers of the local teams are starting to notice him. Very young, not even an adult, he was hired by the Cruzeiro do Sul of Petrolis and, after a year playing in Serrano.
Manoel laughs.
An episode dating to this period demonstrates much skill as the popularity, during a match between Grêmio de Raiz da Serra and Pau Grande, Garrincha, who had not played a good first half, was repeatedly insulted by giocatori avversari. Nella seconda parte dell'incontro, iniziata con il punteggio di 0-0, dribblò l'intera squadra rivale partendo dalla propria area di rigore ed effettuò un assist finalizzato poi da un compagno; un giocatore irritato lo fermò con un fallo, subendo non solo un'espulsione, ma anche un tentativo di linciaggio da parte dei suoi stessi tifosi, i quali nutrivano grande ammirazione per Garrincha nonostante fosse un giocatore del club opposto; la partita terminò 6-0 per il Pau Grande. 
Il tempo passa, e Garrincha ha ormai 18 anni: le sue abilità calcistiche sono ormai emerse quasi del tutto, ma il giovane non sembra interessato ad una carriera as a professional. They are his friends force him to do auditions for various teams. The first test "serious" carried it out with Vasco da Gama, but was not taken because he had forgotten his boots at home. He failed the test even with Fluminense and Sao Cristovao. Garrincha not committed to him soccer was not a job, but his hobby: the pitch to express all his talent, his genius, his character juggling. In 1951, at age 19, his life changed radically. Manoel auditioned with Botafogo: After impressing in the reserve team, the coach of the latter decided to take a test vs. first team. reserve teams, with Garrincha militant in the latter. Its direct avversario era lo straordinario terzino sinistro Nilton Santos, leader del Botafogo e della Nazionale Brasiliana, uno dei terzini brasiliani più forti di sempre. Durante la partita Garrincha umiliò ripetutamente Nilton , sgusciandogli via diverse volte e, addirittura, condendosi il lusso di fargli diversi tunnel. Nilton Santos rimase così colpito da questo giovanotto che, si dice, andò a parlare direttamente con il presidente chiedendogli di tesserarlo. Ebbe così inizio la carriera professionistica di Manoel Francisco dos Santos, al secolo "Garrincha" o "Manè". E pensare, che secondo i medici, lui non avrebbe mai potuto giocare a calcio. Il suo referto medico doveva risultare più o meno così:

Garrincha's legs.
"(...) the young person is suffering from a slight squint, has a deformed spine, an imbalance of the pelvis, six inches difference in length between the legs, suffering from right knee varus while the left in spite of valgus corrective surgery. Because of this malformation - probably due to poliomyelitis or malnutrition - the young Manoel Francisco dos Santos was therefore declared invalid, and is absolutely not recommended any kind of competitive physical activity, like football. "

Q ow wrong. What was his fault he became its strength instead. His imitation with the shorter leg became legendary, and there was no opponent could stop him by fair means or foul. The right wing was a fury: a riot of fake, controfinte, tunnels, Rabone, elastic and so on and more and so forth. Garrincha was the dribbling, the more natural expression of fantasy football. It was not just that.
addition to the Brazilian dribbling was also a very fast player, very agile, with a right footed shot very powerful and precise, and a perfect cross. It was also a right wing and center forward, if necessary. In 581 appearances for Botafogo, collected over twelve years, he scored something like 232 Networks: A huge wing for pure like him. He was also an incredible shooter and punishment of the corner, which often kick with the outside of the foot, giving impressive and unpredictable trajectories of the ball. The only weaknesses were probably of a tactical nature and this is why the coach of Botafogo Joao Soldanha bound by the limits battle, leaving him free to do what he wanted on the pitch.

L a carriera in nazionale di Garrincha fu altrettanto impressionante. Con lui e Pelé in campo la nazionale Brasiliana non perse mai: in 40 partite giocate assieme 35 furono quelle vinte e 5 le pareggiate. 
Garrincha con Pelé
Il Mondiale del 1958, che lo consacrò, lo vide saltare le prime due partite per futili motivi (si parla di razzismo da parte di alcuni  dirigenti brasiliani, secondo which white players were more "appropriate" to address some tactically trained opponents): The last few games but Garrincha played by the owner. It gave the show. In match that came down the left field once the sign, jumping opponents like bowling pins and making several crucial assists (such as the two center-ava in the finals against Sweden).
After the game winner against the Scandinavian national, while all the comrades weep for joy, but Garrincha, totally confused and not aware of what was happening, he asked the captain "but when we play the return game? "

D opo la partita contro il Galles, il terzino che marcò Garrincha affermò:
« Credo che fosse più pericoloso di Pelé a quel tempo. Era un fenomeno, capace di pura magia.
Era difficile capire in quale direzione stesse andando per via delle sue gambe e perché era a suo agio col piede sinistro come con il destro, quindi era in grado di tagliare verso l'interno o andare verso il fondo e, inoltre, possedeva un tiro tremendo. "

L 'highlight of career of the Chaplin calcium and Alegria do Povo (Joy of the People) , as it was known at the time, however, was reached in the next world, in 1962. Pele, Brazil's brightest star, was injured after several interventions tremendous debut.
It was then that the world Garrincha, who dragged Brazil to victory in the World Cup to the sound of goals and assists, also appearing also top scorer and best player in the competition. During the game against Czechoslovakia was even prepared for him a triple-man marking, which is never seen until then. It was all useless: Garrincha's star shone as never before. Probably, with Maradona, is the player who was able to provide individual performances so overwhelmingly to allow the team 's victory in the coveted World Cup.
Garrincha the 1962 World
A curious episode, related to these years, probably reveals the true Garrincha nature: it is said that the then Brazilian president (other sources speak of the governor of Rio), after the victory of the prestigious national, decided to convene all the players to congratulate them personally to join and gifts: some churches a car, some money, who a house. Garrincha's turn came. "So, what would you like to have?" asked the president. Garrincha thought about it, then looked at a bird locked in a cage that was holding the president in his office. "Mr. President, I would love that freeing the bird (some rumor was just a "Garrincha," from which bird is named after the player). Yes, this is my desire. "

S and it is true that Garrincha's career was extraordinary from every point of view, not much can be said of his private life. Manoel brought along all the vices that had characterized his youth: alcohol and smoking on everyone. His love life was tumultuous and economic.

Telmo Zanini says in his "Manè Garrincha:
"Mané Garrincha spent his last twenty years, completely detached from society. It sank into alcoholism, he remained unable to deal with each of the fourteen children who left around the world. Bullied by classmates, fainted for the doors of taverns, sleeping on the sidewalks, was welcomed by gay and survived only thanks to the favors and kindness of public power. "

Garrincha, 46, here, gives an interview
G arrincha era nato per giocare a calcio e, una volta smesso, i vecchi problemi riemersero. Non era una persona cattiva o egoista; mentalmente si disse che era come un bimbo di 10 anni, e come tale agiva...non spinto da sentimenti egoistici ma da curiosità, ed ingannarlo e sfruttarlo era un gioco da ragazzi. Non era sicuramente in grado di badare a se stesso, e ben presto fu dimenticato da tutti. Dopo aver bevuto per tre giorni di fila un’ edema polmonare se lo portò via nel 1983.

M anoel Francisco Dos Santos, al secolo Garrincha, more than any other player was loved by the Brazilians for its naivety, for her sincere smile, because football was both his salvation and condemnation. I conclude with a Brazilian proverb: " still, if you ask an old Brazilian who is Pele, the old man takes off his hat as a sign of admiration and gratitude. But if you talk about Garrincha, the old man says" sorry " looks down and cries. "


Some information and quotes were taken from wikipedia.


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