The return to Serie A was once again immediately. However, AC Milan failed to return to the top positions that were consistent with, browsing constantly in mid-table, despite the presence of discrete players, among them being the defender Franco Baresi
Arrigo Sacchi |
In 1985, following a number of inspections of the Guardia di Finanza, the team is greatly indebted and is likely to fail completely. A wealthy businessman from Milan, Silvio Berlusconi , with a striking gesture took up the reins of the company, who took over completely covering the deficit or loss.
With a great economic boost and a great want to raise, Berlusconi totally revolutionized the team, buy players like Donadoni, Massaro, Galli, Galderisi and sonnets. The first season of Berlusconi in 1986, was probably running: the team came to a decent fifth place in the league, still showing a fairly good game. The following year was probably the decisive one in the destiny of Milan: the president decided to stake everything on a young engineer Fusignano eyed. Arrigo Sacchi, who coached the previous year had good results with the Parma, showing among other things, a great game in its game against Milan, he arrived at the court of Silvio. With the arrival of Henry came two big foreign stars who made the fortune of Milan in the years ahead: Marco Van Basten (injured almost the entire first season) and Ruud Gullit .
The three Dutchmen who made the fortune of Milan. |
The first few games were difficult, probably because of the intense physical training which Sacks reported its teams. Continue with the league, however, recovered slowly Milan Naples leaders on points, winning the championship in the last games. If the first year of bags can be considered a good level, the top was reached in the years 1988 to 1990. With the arrival of the third Dutch champion, Frankie Rijkaard , in midfield, Milan was finally competitive in Europe. In the face of a second (1989) and third (1988) in the league, the Rossoneri won the Champions League against Steaua Bucharest, Benfica before and then, in 1989 and the Uefa Super Cup against Barcelona and the Intercontinental Cup against Nacional Medellin. Fluidity and beauty of this game Milan was probably the best ever, despite many achievements as "lofty" were achieved only later.
In terms of tactical bags tried to mold the team according to his dictates: large pressing, search offside suffocating and so many movements without the ball. The team fielded, especially in midfield, was an extraordinary mix of class and power with muscular players well suited to this type of game. The operation of the team, helped also by the constant movement of players, is fluid and harmonious: the ball flows naturally between the different departments, and are often the center forward, especially the Netherlands Ruud Gullit, helping out the midfield, using extraordinary ball down to the ground.
The special, definitely not Italian, this AC Milan is in the aim of territorial domination : Sacchi's team has almost never, but constantly attacking no matter the opponent. There is the constant search of a goal, even after a 3-0. Arrigo Sacchi, as well as giving great importance to the athlete, very focused his training on team play. There is no "single" or "champions": there is only the team. His training to increase the affinity between the players are exhausting: a strict conductor, "the prophet of Fusignano" forces players to unnerving repetition of patterns in training. Is famous the mythological "cage Milanello ": a sort of metal cage around the playing field by preventing the ball going out, and forcing players to play the ball without solution of continuity à. The list of winners of bags after 4 years is impressive: an Italian Championship (1987-1988), 1 Italian Super Cup (1988), two Champions Cups (1988-1989, 1989-1990), two UEFA Super Cups (1989, 1990) and 2 Intercontinental Cups (1989, 1990)
Here is the pink team 1989-1990
Giovanni Galli: portiere con un buon senso della posizione e riflessi, non è mai stato un “fenomeno”, ma ha comunque vissuto anni più che esaltanti.
Mauro Tassotti : terzino destro titolare. E’ un giocatore dalla tecnica discreta, ma assai equilibrato nelle due fasi (offensiva e difensiva), di grande corsa, resistenza e ottimo senso tecnico.
Paolo Maldini: terzino sinistro. Basta il nome. Paolo esordisce appena 16enne nel 1985, e ben presto diventa uno dei punti fermi di questo Milan. Tatticamente è un terzino difensivo: ambidextrous, strong and fast, has a great sense of place and continuity of performance is impressive.
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Franco Baresi in action |
Franco Baresi: free. The captain is the brain of the defense. Defender with great charisma, is a lion in the field who runs the department with indomitable defensive skill. It 's a quick and agile athlete, with a foot educated and tactically exceptional.
Filippo Galli: difensore centrale marcatore. Non sarà un fenomeno come il compagno di reparto, ma è sicuramente un giocatore preziosissimo alla causa milanista e tatticamente molto prezioso. In campo è il classico centrale marcatore con buoni mezzi tecnico-tattici. Verrà in seguito sostituito da Alessandro Costacurta.
Frankie Rijkaard: centrocampista difensivo. Questo colosso d’ebano giganteggia nel centrocampo milanista. Giocatore versatile ed eclettico in campo interpreta la fase difensiva ed offensiva in maniera pressoché perfetta, aiutato da un fisico Exceptionally, a basic technique and excellent timing in the placement of an extraordinary offensive without the ball (his is the goal to Benfica in the Champions Cup final)
Carlo Ancelotti: defensive midfielder. Charles is 4-4-2 in sacks median breaking role it plays very well. Charles is a lion in the field, fighting for every ball, helped also by the extraordinary companion department. It 'almost essential for a midfield player and tonic muscle such as the Rossoneri.
Alberigo Evani: external left of midfield. Alberigo a player is unusual: it is a kind of band director. It has neither the speed nor the dribbling pure dry wing, but on the contrary with great vision, launching precise and clean and is lethal on free kicks. It is also an unusual maneuver in the outlet side of the team.
Roberto Donadoni: right-sided midfielder. Roberto is a versatile player, capable of covering all roles from midfield up with equal efficiency. Her arms are dribbling and dry lightning, great speed, good vision, oltre che una naturale predisposizione all’assist decisivo.
Marco Van Basten con il pallone d'oro |
Ruud Gullit: mezzapunta/centravanti. L’olandese sembra nato apposta per giocare nel Milan di Arrigo. I suoi mezzi fisici sono impressionanti: debordante forza fisica, rapidità e agilità (nonostante la mole), è altresì dotato di un tiro potente e preciso, di uno stacco da terra straordinario e in campo dà sempre il massimo. Scardina le difese avversarie come few, and his ball came down on the ground are still in the eye of the Milan fans.
Marco Van Basten: striker. The Swan of Utrecht is one of the strongest and most prolific striker in history. Achieved 24 goals this season, all of excellent future. Loves to play on the pitch in vertical cross leveraging of Evan and Donadoni, as well as quick with his fellow triangulation Gullit. Player from the excellent technique and great eye for goal is the ideal player to finalize the game.
Other good supporting actors sono Demetrio Albertini (che sarà il punto fermo della squadra nel Milan di Capello), Angelo Colombo, Giovanni Stroppa, Pietro Paolo Virdis e Daniele Massaro. Il ciclo del Milan Sacchiano si interruppe nel 1991. A sostituire Arrigo arrivò Fabio Capello, allora semi-sconosciuto, che riuscì nella difficile impresa di ottimizzare e migliorare una squadra già perfetta.
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