With the advent of the Method and System players as well as having a fixed position on the field, also have specific tasks, with the ultimate aim of ensuring balance in the two phases to the team. The emergence of these two tactics, which occurred at the same time strangely, has a definite beginning. In 1926, in fact, was completely changed the offside rule: the number of players that were in an attacking game went from three to two . Consequently, it also resenecessario implemented a change to the new regulation.
The inventors of the method are two: the Italian and Austrian Vittorio Pozzo Hugo Meisl, coach of Austrian Wunderteam . Being a game less spectacular and more defensive, Well the method considered the perfect tactic for the chords of the Italian players. The main feature of the method was (...)
... the defensive solidity and style of play and concrete opportunist, characteristics that are well suited to our mentality. Teams who play the methods are not spectacular or beautiful to see, is not that what you want Well, but surely they are more solid and concrete sub-network. Their style of play requires, in contrast to the more elegant "system", long balls from midfield to the wing and sudden reversals in the face. The method reaches its apex in the world in '34 and '38, Italy won the world showing a game incredibly effective. In this review I would like to deepen the technical and tactical aspect of the two methods, rather than challenge them. Here's an analysis, role for role players of the method.
The eleven players of the method are well prepared and have the following tasks:
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Method |
I backs Methodists are the two low points of the second W (remember that both forms are always viewed from above). They are free from the tasks of marking, are essentially the forerunner of the batter off. The task of the fullbacks method is to preside the penalty area, to intervene in second place when the markers in front of their fence, protecting the shoulder of the goalie. We leave here after losing the distinctions between the steering wheel back and quarterback positions.
front of them act the centromediano Methodist (portrayed as the central point of the second W), median and the two sides that are the outer points of the second W.
front of them act the centromediano Methodist (portrayed as the central point of the second W), median and the two sides that are the outer points of the second W.
The centromediano Methodist is a role milestone, as it has the function of the center mark while opponent is the first director of the team, and therefore, we will attack during the possession by throwing the millimeter and openings along the bands. It is clear therefore that a large Methodist centromediano must have defensive qualities, techniques, and dynamic vision of the game in considerable quantities. A great player centromediano Methodist is not very important thing.
The two median Methodists have the task of controlling the wingers. Sort of a modern full-backs in 4-4-2.
The method does not exist in the midfield, or rather does not exist as the dominant sector, since the functions of the department are part of the surrogate and the two median centromediano side (as seen) and partly by the Methodist midfielder, who in drawing up the low points of the first W. The midfielder
Methodist are free from markings on a personal basis. They should serve as the center forward and the wings and be both dangerous and punctual in front of goal. They must have technical and dynamic out of the ordinary, as they form the backbone of offensive maneuver. They are asked to mark the task of inventing and continuous flow on offense. The two wings
are the side of the trident of the first W. Must await the launch of a rule or assist centromediano Methodist illuminating the midfielder, then groped his marker to overcome (which is the median side opponent), go on the bottom and crossed for the striker, or even to help centralize the inclusion of midfielder in front of goal and also try to conclude a personal network. Always keeping an eye on the backs Methodists, being free from direct marking of tasks can step in and fight them in second place. The striker
is the last terminal of the maneuver. The role requires the most varied types of striker, which then can be powerful, rapacious, stylish, technical, easy to maneuver, voted only to finalize ... Leverage assists the midfielder, the cross of the wings. Directly addresses the centromediano Methodist direct his marker and see if the second beaten with two backs Methodists.
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Herbert Chapman |
system, despite being born at the same time the method is its opposite. The founder of this tactic is the coach Herbert Chapman English (it is no coincidence that in England This tactic was known as the system Chapman), who reached fame and glory with Arsenal in the 30s. The system is a tactic the "noble" in the land of Albion is called "football carpet, football carpet, to indicate a type of game based on a persistent search for the ball, with thick textures of play, play ball on the ground and made of soft touches quickly. A game like this, to make better, need players with good technique and vision of the game. The midfield, in contrast to the method, it becomes the heart of the team: it is in midfield that created the game, given birth by the feet of midfield, rather than by midfielder offensive of the method. In Italy it was the Grande Torino to propose a version even more muscular and effective system.
is available instead of the tactical system and the tasks of each player:
The two fullbacks systems analysts, that the method was free of duties in the very midst of marking shall be changed to either side, at low points in and outside of M. And they are now asked to mark the wings (it was up to task in Method Median laterali). Un terzino sistemista vede davanti a sè la corsia laterale libera da compagni e quindi, se particolarmente dotato sul piano della corsa, della tecnica e dell'intelligenza, è in grado di avventurarsi lungo tutta la fascia quando la sua squadra è in fase di possesso palla, ed arrivare anche sul fondo in attacco per scodellare invitanti cross (sostituendosi quindi all'ala classica). Quando però la squadra avversaria riconquista il possesso palla, il terzino sistemista deve essere pronto a rientrare in difesa e marcare l'ala. Il terzino sistemista è in pratica il cosiddetto terzino fluidificante.
Il centromediano sistemista viene arretrato nel cuore dell'area (raffigura the low point of M), the last bastion in front of the goalkeeper. It keeps the task of marking the opponent's center forward, and if the case has to do even more ruthless of the Methodist centromediano because behind him there are two full-backs Methodist ready to intervene in second place. The systems analyst must centromediano but only carry out this task. The functions of the relaunch, the technical qualities and vision of the game to go 360 degrees in other roles which now will be analyzed.
The two sides are median centered behind the midfielder and form the two highest points of M. Along with the midfielder, who said they are ahead of them as the crow flies, form a quadrilateral. And 'the nascita del centrocampo come reparto più importante e dominante del gioco. Ai mediani sistemisti si chiede di marcare le mezzali avversarie, ma anche se possibile di dare un aiuto atletico in fase di costruzione del gioco.
Le mezzali sistemiste restano i punti più bassi della W. Ma il loro raggio d'azione viene arretrato, in quanto:
A) a differenza delle mezzali metodiste sono marcate a uomo dai due mediani sistemisti avversari
B) devono assolovere il grosso del compito che prima spettava al centromediano metodista, cioè quello di rilanciare l'azione, dare manforte alla difesa, diventare i registi non solamente della fase d'attacco (As happened to the first Methodist midfielder) but of the entire maneuver. In addition, the midfielder system is requested, where possible, to perform well the tasks of the Methodist midfielder, then finish the game on offense, serving the center forward and the wings, and integrate effectively in front of goal. But also having to shoulder the workload of centromediano Methodist, and several meters back its position to form the quadrilateral of midfield with the two median systems analysts, clearly the system will be midfielder in attack a little 'less than this, a little' less brilliant and prolific in terms of networks of a Methodist midfielder. As in the method may have the most gifted midfielder in technical (And will be named director of midfielder) and midfielder more dedicated to a work of dark and fitting (midfielder shuttle).
not change the purely technical tasks and the characteristics of the wing and center forward in the system respect to the method.
Il centromediano sistemista viene arretrato nel cuore dell'area (raffigura the low point of M), the last bastion in front of the goalkeeper. It keeps the task of marking the opponent's center forward, and if the case has to do even more ruthless of the Methodist centromediano because behind him there are two full-backs Methodist ready to intervene in second place. The systems analyst must centromediano but only carry out this task. The functions of the relaunch, the technical qualities and vision of the game to go 360 degrees in other roles which now will be analyzed.
The two sides are median centered behind the midfielder and form the two highest points of M. Along with the midfielder, who said they are ahead of them as the crow flies, form a quadrilateral. And 'the nascita del centrocampo come reparto più importante e dominante del gioco. Ai mediani sistemisti si chiede di marcare le mezzali avversarie, ma anche se possibile di dare un aiuto atletico in fase di costruzione del gioco.
Le mezzali sistemiste restano i punti più bassi della W. Ma il loro raggio d'azione viene arretrato, in quanto:
A) a differenza delle mezzali metodiste sono marcate a uomo dai due mediani sistemisti avversari
B) devono assolovere il grosso del compito che prima spettava al centromediano metodista, cioè quello di rilanciare l'azione, dare manforte alla difesa, diventare i registi non solamente della fase d'attacco (As happened to the first Methodist midfielder) but of the entire maneuver. In addition, the midfielder system is requested, where possible, to perform well the tasks of the Methodist midfielder, then finish the game on offense, serving the center forward and the wings, and integrate effectively in front of goal. But also having to shoulder the workload of centromediano Methodist, and several meters back its position to form the quadrilateral of midfield with the two median systems analysts, clearly the system will be midfielder in attack a little 'less than this, a little' less brilliant and prolific in terms of networks of a Methodist midfielder. As in the method may have the most gifted midfielder in technical (And will be named director of midfielder) and midfielder more dedicated to a work of dark and fitting (midfielder shuttle).
not change the purely technical tasks and the characteristics of the wing and center forward in the system respect to the method.
The Player (prewar and early postwar years)
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Luis Monti |
Both tactics have seen series champions, who were able to interpret with skill and efficiency, the different roles. One of the largest Methodist centromediani of Europe was the native Luis Monti, bursting from the physical play and great game viewing. Monti, who was the midfield blue column of 34 was a very skilled goal scorer, helped by a physical steel, but also the first point guard of the team, possessing more than good game viewing and foot incredibly polite. A good system was the great centromediano Obdulio Varela, Uruguay captain World Cup 1950.
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Jose Leandro Andrade |
I migliori terzini metodisti furono, con tutta probabilità, la coppia proposta da pozzo ai mondiali del ’38: Rava/Fon i. Indimenticabile anche il torinese Virgilio Maroso , vero e proprio campione. Un altro grande terzino metodista fu l’uruguagio José Nasazzi , capitano dell'Uruguay nel 1930 . Anche la scuola sud-americana ha prodotto grandi interpreti di questo ruolo: un gran mediano fu José Leandro Andrade , la maravilla negra , mediano destro dell’Uruguay primo campione mondiale nel 1930. Giocatore atipico per il suo ruolo, rappresenta probabilmente il più grande esempio di mediano dell’epoca. Andrade is extraordinary athlete and elegant: a very quick player, muscularly impressive, relying on the band likes to push his talent, his technique is incredible for the role he occupies, as well as his vision of the game. It 's probably one of the best median absolute pre-war. The greatest midfielder produced by the method were, in all likelihood, the Italians Giuseppe Meazza and Valentino Mazzola. Also on our football sports big wings (on all the violinist Mumo Ors i) large and middle-attacks ( Schiavio and Piola ). More great interpreters of the role of middle-attack were the Brazilian Leonidas and Matthias Sindelar (captain of the Wunderteam Meisl). There are many, many, other names that I have deliberately left out, and take that into consideration in future investigations.
The introductory hat and the protagonists are the work of the undersigned, a deepening role for the role of both tactics are the work of the User Marco Bode (forum-kick).
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