Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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Lothar Matthaus - Capitano Coraggioso

Ancora oggi ricordato da moltissimi tifosi interisti come uno dei giocatori più forti e carismatici che abbiano mai indossato la maglia nerazzurra, Lothar Matthäus ha incarnato alla perfezione la figura del leader incontrastato, il valoroso capitano che ogni squadra vorrebbe avere tra le proprie fila: un atleta completo, dotato di qualità tecniche e tattiche di primissimo livello che, abbinate ad una impressionante potenza, lo hanno ben presto elevato al rango di campionissimo.

I l miglior avversario che abbia avuto in tutta la mia carriera, credo che basti questo per definirlo
           Diego Armando Maradona

still remembered by many Inter fans as one of the strongest and most charismatic players ever to wear the Nerazzurri shirt, Lothar Matthäus has embodied to perfection the role of undisputed leader, the brave captain Each team would have among their ranks: a complete athlete, with techniques and tactics of the highest quality level, coupled with impressive power, they have quickly elevated to the rank of champion.
The German with the shirt of Inter
Born in Erding March 21, 1961, Matthäus took his first steps as a player in his youth of his hometown team, FC Herzogenaurach. Noted by many observers, won his first professional contract in 1979, when it wears the cloak of Borussia Mönchengladbach: Matthäus will stay with Juventus until 1984, totaling 162 appearances and 36 goals overall. The debut for the national team arrives back in 1980: West Germany makes debut against Holland and will ultimately be the winner of the European championship, while the '82 World Matthäus fails to penetrate and play only some remnant of the game without ever leaving mark (the official debut is against Chile).

The final consecration takes place with the move to Bayern Monaco, Matthäus club in which the whole of Europe will show all his qualities and his great personality on the court, which will refine its eclecticism and the ability to play as a midfielder who is excellent levels as free. With the Bavarians, in fact, Lothar win three times in the Bundesliga, winning for its majesty and natural brilliance: his game is done very quickly in the offensive entries, constant attention to the position in the field, most accurate and throws a devastating force in both feet, which will allow him to score dozens of networks set piece and from long range.
But the glory for the panzer also extends to international standards: the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, Matthäus is consistently among the best in West Germany. Play as a director, and shows once again its full repertoire of race, intensity and explosive muscular vision of the game.
the annals of football will go above the final against the formidable Argentina Diego Armando Maradona: Lothar, marking the man strictly by Pibe de Oro, is able to limit it and make it virtually harmless. Unfortunately, the sumptuous its performance will not be enough to win that national World: the blunt end of the Argentines (3-2), but the superlative performance of Matthäus fill the eyes of football fans around the world.
left Bayern in 1988, the German midfielder opened the doors to the Italian league, thanks to the enormous passion that the former Inter president Ernesto Pellegrini's love for football and soccer players Teutonic (its purchases of Rummenigge, Klinsmann and Brehme).
With the Beloved Matthäus confirmed to be a true ace of the midfield, but if necessary also a freelance with superior defensive capabilities: the fault for the goal remains, and eventually the networks will be combined into 53 well Nerazzurri shirt, compared the presence of 153 overall.

Lothar Matthaus with the national team
Lothar will be among the major architects of the league record that still dated 1989 today is the highest score ever in a league of 18 teams with two points in victory as eclectic as ever, dragging his companions to win with authority and discipline, even managing to improve his offensive skills with the help of Giovanni Trapattoni, which changes the field position to take maximum advantage of the ballistic capabilities.
year later, however, is truly magical: the victory finally arrived in Germany to Italy '90, dressed up with 4 goals and captained the national team for World Cup almost perfect, which played without Matthäus solution continuity in midfield as in defense, giving the impression that it has now become a complete player, deadly and always at ease in any area of \u200b\u200bthe two departments, supported by a still excellent athletic condition: the Golden Ball will be a natural consequence so much wonderful sport.

leave Inter in 1992 for serious misunderstandings with the staff and company after a very bad knee injury, returns to Bayern Monaco Matthäus and stayed there until 2000, proving to be anything but a player on Sunset Boulevard: the only real regret is the final of the Champions League defeat in the open Cesarini against Manchester United, a defeat that keeps the German champion adding to his personal success shouts the only trophy missing. In National skipped the Euro 1996 to make room and opportunity to show off new talent Teutonic, Matthäus back in 2000 with the European Belgium and Holland.
La Germania in quel momento paga una pesante crisi generazionale, resa ancor più evidente da enormi problemi tattici per una squadra incapace di tornare ai fasti di un tempo: ne fa le spese proprio il campione tedesco, individuato come capro espiatorio del fallimento, complici le orrende prestazioni in quell'Europeo, rese ancor più tragiche da una condizione fisica ormai lontanissima dall'essere persino accettabile.

Il declino del Matthäus calciatore (c'è tempo per un'ultima, improbabile comparsata nella Major League Soccer con i Metrostars di New York), la altalenante carriera had thus far as a coach in Austria, the Hungarian national, Brazil and Serbia, and bad love affairs that have involved (four marriages) do not cancel in any way the triumphant figure who had managed to create the same facts of victories in 20 years , sublime performance and an enviable collection of trophies. Lothar Matthäus is the summary of the modern player, able to express a flexibility unknown to most by embarking on a quality that only large samples may have: a symbol of the still very modern way of making European football, the ideal marriage of form and substance, technique and tactics , pragmatism and explosive athleticism.


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