All-Star selection prewar

Training prewar 1900-1940
Cominciamo col dire che i giocatori sono stati scelti sulla base del Metodo.
I giocatori scelti per il ruolo di portiere sono quattro: lo spagnolo Zamora, lo slavo Planicka, l’Italiano Combi e l’Austriaco Hiden. Credo di non sbagliare se affermo che, con tutta probabilità, Zamora è il migliore dei quattro. Vera e propria figura leggendaria prima dell’arrivo di Yashin è stato uno dei portieri migliori in assoluto della storia del calcio. But follow the strongest Planicka, the agile and Combi and the goalkeeper of the Austrian Wunderteam: Rudi Hiden.
Ricardo Zamora - Spain - ( Espanyol ) - One of the best goalkeepers of all time: position sense, reflexes, courage, excellent outing.
Frantiseck Planicka - Czechoslovakia - ( Slavia Prague). How pure talent is second only to Zamora, and not even that much. Great personality in the service of outside resources the community: agile, feline reflexes and extraordinary tactical means
Giampiero Combi - Italy - (Juventus). Simply the best Italian goalkeeper before the war and one of the best ever. Although small in stature has a sleek and toned muscles that allow the cat jumps. Very strong outing (especially low) and great reflexes.
Rudolph Hiden - Austria - (RC Paris). E 'goalkeeper of the Austrian Wunderteam. Stands between the posts for his great consistency of performance and for his outstanding reflexes. Arsenal will try to Chapman, unsuccessfully, to hire him.
The choice of full backs is extensive. We move from full-backs more technical and quick (De old Hapgood) to fullbacks more grim and tough (Nasazzi, burgraves). The ideal match would be a more mobile quarterback and with a more technical fighter and physical: the ideal couple, in my view, would be formed by José Nasazzi on the right, captain and leader of Uruguay in 1930, and Eddie Hapgood, Arsenal full-back overtime Chapman, play fast, technical, skillful in defense as to propose to the left.
Eddie Hapgood - England - (left back) ( Arsenal ). Genuine locomitiva Hapgood: a quarterback so adept at defense as extraordinary in the proposals. Let real "furrows" on the band. Him remember the ease of travel, game viewing and the technical means
Pietro Rava - Italy - (back left) ( Juventus). Owner of the Juventus fullback of the '30s is back to the 'Italian', very good on defense and discreet in the proposals. Great tactical means and physical strength.
Renzo de Vecchi - Italy - (left back) ( Genoa). Simply one of the most representative Italian players of the first 30 years of 900. Although not physically handsome De Vecchi is the ease of travel, timing of interventions and the great personality of its weapons.
Jose Nasazzi - Uruguay - (right back) ( Nacional ) . José Nasazzi is a legendary figure of South American football. Although technically not as strong as his colleagues, he has an extraordinary physical strength which, combined with leadership skills, make it a real column in the National Assembly.
Alfredo Foni - Italy - (right back) ( Juventus). By Pietro Rava is a pair of gold in both nationally and in Juventus. Surely the most proactive partner is a great player from the resistance, by good tactical means and the power and precision shooting.
Karl Sesta - Austria - (right back) (Wiener AC). Karl is the defender of "steel" of the Wunderteam, hard defense. Played with the defensive grit and self-control, strong-powerful physical and tactical.
Jaroslav burgraves - Czechoslovakia - (right back) (Sparta Prague). -back symbol of Sparta Prague in the '30s. For a physicist from cuirassier also combines discrete technical skills: with the ball at the feet we can do, and well, and his vision of the game is worthy of a centromediano.
Paul Janes - Germany - (right back) ( Fortuna Dusseldorf). C probably the best defender on the German pre-war. He became famous for his extraordinary range, is lethal on set-pieces and by conclusions from a distance. As a pure defender has a good ability to tackle and positioning.
Jacinto Quincoces - Spain - (back left / right) (Valencia). If Paul Janes is the best defender in German Jacinto is in all likelihood, the best defender in English over the years. Fortissimo's head, while being a good sum stopper pure individual technique and great game viewing.
Paul Janes - Germany - (right back) ( Fortuna Dusseldorf). C probably the best defender on the German pre-war. He became famous for his extraordinary range, is lethal on set-pieces and by conclusions from a distance. As a pure defender has a good ability to tackle and positioning.
Jacinto Quincoces - Spain - (back left / right) (Valencia). If Paul Janes is the best defender in German Jacinto is in all likelihood, the best defender in English over the years. Fortissimo's head, while being a good sum stopper pure individual technique and great game viewing.
Here the choice is narrowed to three players: the native mountains, in the sample with 38 blue jacket, Hungarian and the Saros Brazil Domingos da Guia, in fact more central defender centromediano. The choice lies with Luis Monti, probably the strongest of a systems centromediano always played by the physical steel, with infinite strength, determination and excellent technique, able to revive the action steps with extremely accurate. Gyorgy Saros is also a player large, and one of the greatest representatives of the prewar Danube school: the goal is centromediano with the vice, capable also to withdraw as a midfielder, or even middle-middle attack. Domingos da Guia, considered the best Brazilian defender ever, is a unique mix of technique and athleticism, but probably not suitable in the system, making it better with a second defender, the most rude, at his side.
Luis Monti - Italy / Arg - (centromediano system) ( Juventus ) . Simply the best centromediano period. Physical impetuous, determination, vision of the game and great personality. You can not ask for more from a player.
Gyorgy Saros - Hungary - (centromediano system) ( Ferencvaros). One of the most famous players in the world in the 30 player is versatile and eclectic, being able to play anywhere from midfield up. It has everything: position sense, vision, eye for goal and leadership skills in the field.
Domingos da Guia - Brazil - (centromediano sistemista/metodista –difensore centrale) ( Flamengo ). Domingos da Guia, considerato il più forte difensore brasiliano di sempre, è uno straordinario atleta con mezzi tecnici fuori dal comune.
Non esistono grandissimi mediani nell’anteguerra. Generalmente sono giocatori con piedi abbastanza rudi e mai talentuosi. L’eccezione che conferma la regola è formata da José Leandro Andrade, la maravilla negra , straordinario giocatore dell’Uruguay campione mondiale nel 1930. A dispetto del ruolo, Andrade dimostra di essere un giocatore molto tecnico, dotato anche di straordinaria resistenza fisica, gran facilità di corsa e buona visione di giuoco. L’altro mediano è il nostrano Serantoni, giocatore dalla straordinaria grinta e determinazione, oltre che di un piede educato. Saranno loro due i mediani titolari.
José Leandro Andrade – Uruguay - (mediano destro) ( Nacional ) . Mediano atipico, è in possesso di mezzi atletici prodigiosi (resistenza, accelerazione, forza fisica) che, uniti a technique by midfielder, making him one of the best midfielders of all time and complete
Peter Serantoni - Italy - (medial right / left) ( Ambrosiana-Inter) . not have the technique Andrade, but he also gets along with the ball at his feet. He holds the position as a mastiff, it makes sense for placements and gets along very well and as pure as the median procedure.
Qui il giuoco si fa duro. Sono tanti le mezzali talentuose del periodo anteguerra, molte delle quali provenienti dal grande River Plate dei primi anni '40, squadra che, a motivo del gioco arioso e offensivo, propone importanti giocatori lì davanti. Probabilmente il più forte di tutti è però l’italiano Giuseppe Meazza , numero 10 della nazionale campione del mondo nel 1934 e 1938, oltre che dell’Internazionale (Ambrosiana). Tecnica, rapidità, tiro da fuori, dribbling, visione di gioco: Meazza ha tutto per poter essere titolare fisso in un ipotetico undici “all-star” . Il più talentuoso of the other pretenders to the role of midfielder is probably Héctor Scarone , metronome and brain Uruguay in 1930. Player tactical and technical means uncommon, is well suited to the role of right midfield, loving multimillion offensive on all fronts because of a rare tactical intelligence. Other outstanding performers of the role is John Ferrari, great player, but often overlooked star of Juventus in the early 30 ', the Argentine Carlos Peucelle, Argentina by technology and multi-crystalline, José Manuel Moreno, the "Engine", and not only of the River Plate of the early 40 'and Adolfo Pedernera, which actually gave the best of themselves during the Second World War. The list also included the metronome Arsenal Chapman, that the Scot Alex James, born player as a very offensive midfielder, but deployed in a modern role of "playmaker" in the English team. Last but not least our Baloncieri Adolfo, considered by experts, including Brera which had a soft spot for him, one of the greatest pre-war.
Giuseppe Meazza - Italy - (left midfielder) ( International ). Semplicemente il miglior giocatore Italiano di sempre. Tecnica cristallina, dribbling fulminante, tiro velenoso, fortissimo di testa. Fuori dal campo se la spassa, ma nel rettangolo di gioco è il numero uno.
Giovanni Ferrari – Italia - (mezzala destra/sinistra) ( Juventus ). Grandissima mezzala della Juventus degli anni '30, è giocatore dalla straordinaria visione di gioco, dalle doti di leadership e dal tiro potente e preciso.
Carlos Peucelle – Argentina - (mezzala destra) (River Plate) . Peucelle fa della tecnica e della "pulizia" game of his strength. Loves to put forward faster using triangulation, but can be relied on as a playmaker.
risque J Manuel Moreno - Argentina - (right midfielder) ( River Plate) . After the "legendary" Maradona and Di Stefano's probably him. From physical armor, from the Brazilian technique, tactical means by European player: you can not ask for a midfielder.
Hector Scarone - Uruguay - (midfielder right / left) ( Nacional) . E 'Scarone the spearhead of Uruguay extraordinary that dominated the world in the late '20s and early '30s. Is a leader in the field like few others, has foot, conferring extraordinary steps with tachometer and extraordinary shots. Tactically it is also an above average player: it moves a lot without the ball, has a great sense of timing and you always find the right place at the right time.
Adolfo Pedernera - Argentina - (left midfielder) ( River Plate). outstanding midfielder of the great River Plate in the early '40s. Player who compensates for the limited physical resources with a technique out of the ordinary individual: in the field is as elegant as few, the enemy loves to jump and make the crucial assist. It 's probably the most talented player of that River Plate.
Alex James - Scotland - (midfielder / playmaker) (Arsenal) . Very offensive playmaker in midfielder adapted from Chapman, known to be assertive in goal because of his past "offensive", but point guard is like giving the best. And 'he metronome Arsenal that rage in England for almost a decade.
Adolfo Baloncieri - Italy - (point guard) (Torino) . Player loved to madness by Gianni Brera, which considers him a of the strongest point guard Italians before the war, is a field director in the "Pirlo", but more mobile. His steps, short or long, are perfect, and his vision of the game is worthy of the greats.
And here we are on the wings. There are no right wings "out of the ordinary" in those years: a good right wing is the Argentine Juan Carlos Munoz, right wing of Maquina in Argentina. Our right wing holder will, however, the Italian Amedeo Biavati, which player is dribbling and imagination of its strengths. On the left the going gets tough, we have incredible wings at the same level: Raimundo Orsi and English native Cliff Bastin. Raimundo Orsi choose between the two, as they can also multimillion sull'out right and possibly more coolness in front of goal.
Raimundo Orsi - Italy / Arg - (left wing) ( Juventus ) . Oriundo that made the fortunes of Italy and Argentina wing is sinsitra dal talento purissimo. Dribbling, cross, visione di gioco: ha tutto. Pecca un po' nel fisico, ma non si può volere tutto.
Oldřich Nejedlý – Cecoslovacchia - (ala sinistra) ( Sparta Praga). Satanasso che fece ammattire la retroguardia azzurra nei mondiali del '34: è rapido, forte fisicamente, ha dribbling, tiro e buone doti di tempismo.
Cliff Bastin – Inghilterra - (ala sinistra) (Arsenal) . Con tutta probabilità la migliore ala sinistra inglese di sempre, and often decisive player for Arsenal weblog Chapman. Agile and has a physical, a cross potent and precise area and knows how to assert himself in goal.
Juan Carlos Muñoz - Argentina - (right wing) (River Plate). He is one of the talented players who made the fortune of the River Plate "La Maquina". He has a valuable technique, a touch of the ball great. It gives its best as a man-assist.
Amedeo Biavati - Italy - (right wing) ( Bologna ) . It 's the most popular player dai Bolognesi. Sarà un po' lezioso, ma pochi come lui sanno interpretare il ruolo di ala. Dribbling straordinario, grandissimo estro e prezioso in zona goal.
I centro-attacchi di livello sono parecchi. Ne isolo 4, tra i quali scegliere il titolare: Leônidas, Silvio Piola, Josef Bican, Matthia Sindelar . Leônidas è probabilmente quello più adatto, essendo un centro-attacco atipico per l’epoca: è un giocatore fortissimo tecnicamente, agile, con gran fiuto del goal, e in grado anche di spostarsi sul fronte offensivo (cosa innovativa per l’epoca). Silvio Piola è il classico centro-attacco boa che gravita nell’area rigore in attesa di palloni giocabili: grandissimo senso della posizione, potenza fisica, forte di testa e con un tiro potente e preciso. Matthias Sindelar è anch’egli un centro-attacco straordinario: eccezionale tecnica ed eleganza, fiuto del goal più che buono, visione di gioco. Pecca un po’ nel fisico. Josef Bican è probabilmente il più completo: velocissimo (fa in 100 metri in 10 secondi), ambidestro, tiro di una potenza spaventosa e fiuto del goal straordinario (furono oltre 800 i goal in carriera). Tra the four is probably the most complete its Bican , but, unlike others, has never failed for a number of reasons to take root in the national team. If I had to choose one at all costs, but choose the Brazilian Leonidas, who is a heart-attack complete in all respects, unusual movements and, above all, that has always done well in every competition.
Silvio Piola - Italy - ( Lazio). The center "pure" stronger than ever in Italy. Great physical force, deadly head and has a great eye for goal.
Leonidas - Brazil - (Sao Paulo ) . "Rubber Man" is an extraordinary player in several respects: it has great technique, agility and sense of goal.
Matthias Sindelar - Austria - (Austria Vienna) . "Tissue paper is one of the most technical players of all time, and one of the greatest representatives of the Football Danube. In the field is a kind of center-of maneuver that likes multimillion offensive on the front using his speed. He has great vision, flair and elegance the goal.
Antonín Puc - Czechoslovakia - (Slavia Prague). Centravanti of Czechoslovakia in the 30s is the nightmare for opposing defenses. He has speed, strength, strong head and knows how to assert himself on foot set piece.
Josef Bican - Austria - ( Slavia Prague). One of the greatest middle-attacks ever. It has everything: speed (making the 100 meters in less than 11 seconds), either kicks with both feet, is lethal and lethal to head in goal area (over 600 mark in career goals)
Zsengellér Gyula - Hungary - ( Ujpest ). The first real heart attack Hungary. Less mobile than other makes of physical strength and character strengths.
Guillermo Stabile - Argentina - (Genoa ). The large physical striker who likes to make to shoulder with the defenders. Head and deadly, has a very powerful shot and tactically is a valuable player.
Bernabe Ferreyra - Argentina - ( River Plate). River Plate striker of the 30s is above all a great athlete (quick, agile, strong physically). Reads the action well and has an extraordinary sense of goal posts in the area.
Franz Binder - Austria - ( Rapid Vienna). Affectionately nicknamed "Baby" this giant of 190 cm x 88 kg is a real opponent in the tank. Head is deadly physical force was overflowing and also a technique that good.
Dixie Dean - England - ( Everton). Probably, along with Jimmy Greaves, English striker pure stronger than ever. Its strong point is the shot of head, although not too tall, and the extraordinarily powerful and precise shot.
Arsenio Erico - Paraguay - (Independiente ). Given the Paraguayan player stronger than ever, is skilled in placements in the last 11 meters, with a strong head and great leadership
Angelo Schiavio - Italy - ( Bologna). Bomber of Bologna and National between years 20 and 30 years is relentless in goal area, has a powerful shot and great physical strength.
Raymond Braine - Belgium - ( Beerschot). One of the strongest and most talented Belgian players of all time: it has a pure technique, it is strong and likes to dribble in front of the multimillion offensive.
The two coaches are arguably the greatest postwar our Vittorio Pozzo and Hugo Meisl (among other great friends). Between the two the choice is hard, perhaps Well was slightly higher because a vast knowledge of football outside the Italian borders, which is quite rare at the time.
The Eleven:
first top row from left: Z love Nasazzi; Hapgood; Monti Serantoni.
Second row from left: Andrade; Scarone; Meazza, Orsi Biavati; Leonidas.
Selection for nations
Italy = 11
Argentina = 6
Cecoslovacchia = 4
Austria = 4
Uruguay = 3
Inghilterra = 3
Ungheria = 2
Brasile = 2
Spagna = 2
Scozia = 1
Scozia = 1
Paraguay = 1
Germania = 1
Belgium = 1
Germania = 1
Belgium = 1
Oriundi * * = 2
Because of two world championship and the total domination of the 30s, the Most players, eleven are Italians . Then you notice a number of Argentine players, most of the center-midfielder or attack, and several players from the Danube school (Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary), which depopulated between the 20's and 40's.
Selection for Teams: Club
Juventus = 5
River Plate = 5
Nacional = 3
Slavia Prague = 3
Sparta Prague = 2
Genoa = 2
Arsenal = 2
Ambrosiana-Inter = 2
= 1 Ferencvaros
Wiener = 1
RC Paris = 1
Rapid Vienna = 1
Independiente = 1
Bologna = 1
Flamengo = 1
Lazio = 1
Torino = 1
Ujpest = 1
Espanyol = 1
Fortuna Dusseldorf = 1
Valencia = 1
Beerschot = 1
Fortuna Dusseldorf = 1
Valencia = 1
Beerschot = 1
Other data
average height = 173.9 cm
Medium weight = 73 kg
tallest player = Franz Binder (190 cm)
Player lowest = Raimundo Orsi (167 cm)
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