Eroi del calcio: Matthias Sindelar - The onionskin
That Matthias Sindelar has a unique history. It 's the story of a man and an athlete who - despite being aware of the risks - opposed to something greater than himself. It 's the story of a person who challenged the death rather than betray the principles that he believed firmly ....
"They say that his modesty was as legendary for his ability. Heritage of the Great "
Raul Woscoff - Raoul Wallenberg Centre
M atthias Sindelar was born February 10, 1903 in modern Slovakia. His infanzia non è di certo facile: la sua famiglia è di origini ebraiche, e il piccolo Matthias perde il papà a 11 anni, durante la Grande Guerra. E’ la mamma a mantenere l’intera famiglia, gestendo praticamente da sola una lavanderia nel ghetto. Da piccolino Matthias si trasferisce a Vienna, in Austria, dove comincia a prendere a calci il pallone, e a dare spettacolo nella “Città dei Musicisti” . Il ragazzino ha un grande talento, e ben presto una squadra, l’Hertha, lo nota. Dopo neanche un anno il giovane matthias passa subito passa all’FK Austria, società calcistica più importante di Vienna.
With the beginning of a professional career also began early gains: Sindelar generously sends most of the money earned to the family, takes itself just enough to live day by day.
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Sindelar in action |
His international career is extraordinary: Sindelar made his debut at 23 years with a great performance , and soon becomes a symbol of the player for the national team. And 'he the heart and the feet of the great Wunderteam, la grande squadra “delle meraviglie” Austriaca che fece tanto parlare di sé negli anni 20 e 30 sotto la guida del grande Hugo Meisl. Il ruolino di marcia della nazionale è impressionante: in due anni, dal 1931 al 1933 gioca 16 partite, vincendone ben 12, segnando oltre 63 reti e mostrando un gioco spettacolare e incisivo.
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La partita contro la Germania. |
Dal punto di vista tecnico-tattico Sindelar è un centro-attacco straordinario. Sopperisce agli scarsi mezzi fisici (il soprannome Carta Tissue is not random) with a technique and a touch of the ball great. Move the ball with the sole of a shoe, joking and jumping opponents as if they were bowling pins. His vision of the game is worthy of the best playmaker modern is a skilled playmaker, not in front of goal and almost never misses. In an era in which the heart-attack that was not a "mark" that passed in the area waiting for playable ball, Sindelar instead brings a breath of fresh air ... love to move across the offensive front, creating useful space for teammates and for himself. It is also deadly on set-pieces. In the field is a silent leader, but gritty, and often marks the decisive goal in the big games on it, you can always count. His former classmates remember him as a player, especially a man, very humble, and his personal attitude is reflected in his play.
The World 1934, won by Italy's Well, a definitive confirmation Sindelar, called "Papierenkarten (tissue paper)," and the "Mozart of football", because of extraordinary elegance and class with which caresses the ball. Together with the 'Saros Hungarian, English and Italian Zamora Meazza is he one of the most popular champions in' Europe before the war. But it is not all gold that glitters: the years in which Sindelar dà il meglio di sé sono anche gli anni del nazismo e di Adolf Hitler. Con l’annessione all’Austria (Anschluss) alla Germania, avvenuta nel marzo del ’38, le cose subiscono un brusco cambiamento. Per la prima volta ora la nascente nazionale neo-Tedesca include anche i migliori giocatori austriaci tra le proprie fila. La loro non è, tuttavia, una “normale” convocazione, quanto una sorta di “richiesta ufficiale” governativa. Non si può dire di no ad Hitler. Nel frattempo alcuni dirigenti ebrei dell’Austria Vienna vengono rimossi dai loro incarichi e spediti nei campi di lavoro in Polonia o nell’Est Europa.
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The Austrian Wunderteam |
the last game of the Austrian National, to be played against Greater Germany, Sindelar show all his repertoire: false, compared with sham, extraordinary play, and also assists ... credited with the decisive score 2-1. After the match, the Austrian players are asked to greet the German authorities in the gallery. Sindelar, along with fellow Karl Sesta, refuses to do so. This will be the last game of tissue paper with the Austrian national team. Many of his fellow Jewish origin decide to join the fledgling National Germanic, others will flee outside the country.
On January 23, 1939, just 35 years, Matt will be found dead under mysterious circumstances. Next to her body police found a young Italian Jew at the end of life: that Camilla Castagnola. The girl died after a few days. The official news of the death of Austrian champion talk of suicide due to "carbon monoxide poisoning," but the well-informed talk about murder of the secret police, the Gestapo. As it went really no one knows, of course Sindelar's behavior against the Nazi regime had caused great discontent among the Nazi high places. Remains the memory of a great champion, arming of courage and humility, has faced a lot that could not win. Perhaps the only one.
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