Aranycsapat - Greater Hungary
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It 's a cold September 1944, when the powerful Soviet Red Army occupies Hungary and, after a siege lasting more than 2 months, invaded the capital Budapest, which is completely destroyed. Five years later, in 1949, the Hungarian Parliament approved the new constitution, modeled on the basis of the then existing Soviet Constitution. Hungary changed its name, becoming " Republic Hungarian People "and, in effect, a satellite state of the great communist power. Symbols are adopted as the red star, hammer and sickle and the state enters the so called "Stalinist period '. It is a time of great changes, both legislative and ideological, and the new government (to which Subpart C 'is the cold Matyas Rakosi) requires sports teams of the time an economic link (and others) with big companies and the communist government bodies (such as the military )(...)
Dalla vecchia Kispest, discreta squadra della capitale, nasce la Honvéd , la squadra dell’esercito. Nella nuova Honvéd vengono annessi i migliori giocatori dell’epoca, e in poco tempo la squadra apre un ciclo vincente straordinario, vincendo quattro scudetti (dal 50 al 55) e mostrando un calcio spettacolare e vincente. L’allora selezionatore della nazionale, l’ex centromediano Gusztav Sebes, can not rely solely on block Honvéd triumphant, and partly on Lobogó Vörös, or MTK.
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Protagonists. |
The tactics used by Sebes basic method is the famous (or double W), which, however, the coach Magyar affix substantial changes, which will - in the years ahead - the success of this team. Il tutto nasce dalla mancanza di un centro-attacco di ruolo: il famoso Ferenc “ Bamba ” Deak, il più grande centravanti Ungherese dell’epoca, è costretto a rinunciare alla chiamata in nazionale per non meglio specificati conflitti con il governo comunista; a motivo di ciò l’allenatore è costretto a ripiegare sul pur bravo Sebes, giocatore mobile e tecnico. Le prime partite con Sebes titolare sono discrete, ma siamo ancora distanti anni luce dalle idee rivoluzionarie di Sebes. Un giorno, la rivelazione. Nel Vörös Lobogo (ex MTK) gioca, in posizione di ala, un certo Nandor Hidegkuti, giocatore dalla grande intelligenza tattica e dalla tecnica cristallina. L’allenatore lo convoca, schierandolo come vertice basso del suo WM, ma senza i risultati sperati. La manovra della squadra non è fluida, e i marcatori avversari ingabbiano spesso Hidegkuti, bloccando lo sbocco offensivo della squadra. Un giorno, però, la squadra Ungherese affronta due buone squadre dell’epoca, la Polonia e la Finlandia. Intuendo che i problemi di Hidegkuti sono esclusivamente di natura psicologica, e non tattica, Sebes comunica al giocatore che è nell’11 nazionale solo all’ultimo secondo. La prestazione di Hidegkuti è superba, e contribuisce in modo straordinario alla vittoria della squadra.
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Nandor Hidegkuti |
Sebes has found a jewel, deployed as a striker fake, but actually advanced guard, Hidegkuti weaving maneuver like few others, retreating to midfield to make room for two inside midfielder. Tactically the Great Hungarian football plays a natural, fluid, at times spectacular. The team adapts to his opponents, sometimes playing with sudden jumps and vertical or even weaving with intricate steps until you reach the door. The concept of the player standing in the field to receive the ball disappears altogether: Hungarian players move spaces, leaving stunned opponents and critics. Watching them play is a spectacle all, including print and opponents, sing the praises of this great revolutionary tactics of the team. In the field are well prepared:
Gyula Grosics ( Honvéd ) -> Extraordinary Porter, owner of Honvéd. E 'safe return from a player with great reflexes and agility.
Jeno Buzansky ( Komloi Bányász ) -> right-back. More than the back of the method (which is a stopper), Jeno is actually almost a precursor to the fluidizing back. It 'a player who compensates for discrete technical means extraordinary athletes. The band is a fury.
Mihali Santos ( VörösLobogo, MTK ) -> Left-back. Although not equipped with the companion department is still a quick player, able both to defend the attack. Probably the weak point of the team.
Gyula Lorant ( Honvéd ) -> centromediano system administrator. The mighty Gyula Lorant operates as a "wall" in front of the defense. His duties are those of the combination: he is used to mark the center-enemy attack.
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Bozsik |
Jozsef Bozsik ( Honvéd ) -> right median. The brains of the midfield, Jozsef is an extraordinary player. Combines the defensive qualities of the median to the technical point guard. It has an extraordinary vision of the game and launch a millimeter. And 'he the director back on the team, and probably the best player along with Puskas talented.
Zakarias ( Vörös Lobogo / MTK ) -> left median. In contrast to Bozsik, Zakarias is the "work hard" and retrieves the ball team. Technically mediocre, is of great strength and determination of its best qualities.
Budai II ( Honvéd ) -> false right wing. Budai II operates in a particular role: it is the classic right wing to Matthews, as a fake wing who loves working at the two medians, and rather than go to the bottom and crossed it does not disdain to create centralized numerical superiority. Technically it's a good player with an excellent game viewing. Is an important outlet for the maneuver on the flanks.
Zoltan Czibor ( Honvéd )-> ala sinistra. “Uccello pazzo” è un giocatore straordinario, una sorta di garrincha magiaro. Rapidissimo, agile, grande tecnica, ama saltare gli avversari come birilli per poi far partire il suo destro velenoso o cross tesi e precisi.
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Puskas |
Ferenc Puskas ( Honvéd )-> mezzala metodista sinistra. Il colonnello e capitano è sicuramente il miglior giocatore ungherese di sempre. In campo opera come mezzala sinistra, ma in realtà nelle sue corde c’è lo spirito del centravanti più puro. Piccolo e grassottello ha un calcio sinistro tra i più potenti e precisi della storia del calcio, un grande opportunismo sotto rete e una naturale predisposizione al “comando”, anche in campo. Sovente lo si vede indietreggiare per aiutare la manovra della squadra, o per far partire il suo micidiale tiro. 84 goal in 87 partite.
Sandor Kocsis ( Honvéd ) -> right midfielder Methodist. He, like Puskas, is disguised as a pure striker midfielder. Player pretty high but whiskers became known as "head of gold" because of his insane skills in the header and detachment. Over 90% of goals scored by the club and the national team will head fact. His numbers are impressive: in the club scored 272 goals in 325 games, with the national team are the 75 goals in 69 matches: crazy numbers.
Nandor Hidegkuti ( Lobogo Vörös, MTK ) -> middle-attack. And 'he the backbone of the operation of the team, and the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bSebes. Despite appearing as heart-attack Hidegkuti is actually masked a playmaker, that once in the field at midfield backs (dragging the marker), to allow the placement of two real strikers: Puskas and Czibor. It 's a great player: technique and game viewing in the service of a natural intelligence tactics.
Dal punto di vista tattico quindi l'attacco non è più formato da una W, come previsto dal metodo, ma si trasforma in una M, con Hidegkuti vertice basso. Una tipica azione dell’Ungheria vede Hidegkuti ricevere palla a centrocampo, trascinandosi dietro il marcatore, servire rapidamente una delle ali il cui unico compito è passare la sfera gli accorrenti Puskas & Kocsis.
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La partita di Wembley |
La squadra plasmata da Sebes dà spettacolo nelle friendly. In that regard, not to mention how incredible the game from Hungary and England played in '53. The English teachers, considered unbeatable and undefeated at home in their history, face the arrogant Hungarians. E 'November 25, 1953, the stadium is full and the print is in fibrillation. After 30 minutes of play Hungary is well ahead of 3 goals (2 Hidegkuti, Puskas and Bozsik). The game will end 6-3 to the Magyars, a real shock for the British. Ferenc Puskas, at Wembley, it will also starred in one of the most beautiful goal of his career is in English, sheltered on the right, marked man from Billy Wright, an extraordinary English defender, when it receives a pass dall'out right: the stop is perfect, then, in little more than half a second, he takes the ball from right to left using the sole and immediately after download a missile with the left, an extraordinary goal. The British press is stunned: they had never seen a team so quickly, revolutionary, with the rapid exchange is quick: it is the prelude to the total football. The British were particularly surprised by the role of Hidegkuti, since even in his penalty area, a thing unthinkable. As is tradition for the time, the British invited the Hungarians in Budapest for a rematch, which was held in May 54, shortly before the World Cup Switzerland. It was a disaster: the English team lost 7-1, the worst defeat in their history.
All this was only a prelude to what happened next. In 1954 the World Cup were held in Switzerland, they speak a lot of good in Hungary, undefeated for 4 years, and some considered among the favorites, but many predict a strong comeback for Brazil (fresh defeat in the work of 50 ' Uruguay), and of course the 'England.
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The decisive 3-2 German. |
In the first part, the march in Hungary is triumphant. Showing an extraordinary football supremacy defeated South Korea 9-0, 8-3 strong West Germany 4-2 Brazil (in a wonderful game) and 4-2 to Uruguay champion. The final will be played in Bern July 4, 1954 against West Germany, beaten in the group stage. But something strange happened in both games against Germany. In the first, that of the group stage, the Germans rallied surprisingly, almost all the reservations, which they said did not matter so much what the final result to "eliminate" the greatest danger of the Hungarian team: captain e bomber Férénc Puskas. Detto, fatto. Puskas, a motivo di un grave infortunio, fu costretto a saltare i quarti di finale e la semi-finale. Teoricamente avrebbe dovuto saltare anche la finale, vista la gravità dell’infortunio, ma Il Colonnello non se la sentì di mancare ad un appuntamento storico.
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Il bomber Sandor Kocsis |
Dopo 8 minuti della finale l’Ungheria era già in vantaggio di due reti, una proprio di Puskas (a mezzo servizio) e l’altra di Czibor. Con una reazione di Germany took pride in the result parity (goal Morlock and Rahn). A 4 minutes remaining the unthinkable happens: the fast Helmut Rahn, German right wing, jump in speed and Gyula Lorant with a powerful diagonal bags. Germany is world champion. Hungary will lean it a second, Sandor Kocsis and the palm of the world's best striker with 11 goals. But it's only small consolation. There are many hypotheses about how it was really the final one: some say that the small German team (which had only two of its star players, namely the wing Helmut Rahn and the strong captain Fritz Walter) made use of doping, and indeed to see the images are known as the German players have had an unusual freshness athletics.
Others say the heavy rain has made it harder to play fast and technically easier than the Hungarian and German, but there are those who say simply as the National invincible has always made better in head to head rather than in competition, where you have to dose the force. Controversy aside, Hungary at that time was in all probability, along with Holland, 1974 (if strange, always defeat by Germany), the strongest national who has never won a World Cup and, in general, the strongest national team of all time after (or even) Brazil in 1970.
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 forced him to marry the best players in the most prestigious European clubs (the real Puskas, Kocsis in the barcelona, \u200b\u200betc.), With even an end to an extraordinary generation of phenomena, which will never return.
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