Sunday, October 31, 2010

Zebra With Paris Theme

double track (serialized stories: episode # 2)

He turned. The man, even the guy who followed her, smiled, and with a short run to her.
" What day is it? "he asked.
" On Sunday I think, otherwise I would have to work and to school you. "
and smiled, watching him, the frown of all time, the sweater sideways, and step nervous that you ate the road.
"What a beautiful valley this, Mom, I'm excited every time I see ... "
" It 's nice, but I love the sea. "
" I know, you're just a lizard "
coming down side by side along the narrow lane, not snowing anymore.
"I am hungry and you?" he asked.
"No," he said.
The little bar in the country was small and shabby in that its Lindor plastic and sharp smell of detergent that rose from the bucket, full of foamy water, where the owner who squeezed the snot dipped before passing it over with enthusiasm on the floor.
"A strong coffee and chocolate. Do you have any croissants?"
"We salami and cheese, Sir '" and she laughed, her hands on her hips and waving, watching her greedy son, who already assented. She watched him eat
, coffee strong and bitter that went down in the stomach, and asked:
"So you've decided that right ..."
"Good this salami ..."
"faccimo The rest of us, I think who is bono ..." and the curious woman asked, "Where are you from?"
"From far, far away," she said.
"Economics in the best tradition of family ..." and laughed concluding "You convinced me." The owner
hours fiddling around an old radio. A few seconds and the room broke the music. I wish it was love, love the real thing ... and she continued to mezzavoce, the thing that I feel .... and watching his son hit his way to look and color of his eyes, as if he had discovered at that time. What? "What the chromosomes are not water," he thought, confused, because happiness does not require intelligence, just the ability to let go to grab it with all senses and in all its absence of meaning.
From the window came the luccicchio white snow and the sun slanting. Bully.
(more. ..)


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