Monday, October 25, 2010

Boat Hard Word Floor Price

Smells masters

And our good Marchionne, who sat perched almost to as an owl statues carved into the night - before Fazio, last night in Che tempo che fa, disperses, with the obvious discomfort but tolerant at the sight of a party a bit 'obtuse, enterprise. Yes, because our, while in graduate filisofia proof of value, which he reiterated the thought that dissects the ideas drawing ideals, emotions and feelings, is a engineering, which is a car ... It 'man of action, working eighteen hours per day, adds and subtracts numbers to make a profit, retained earnings bales. S hazelnut ranking, percentages, and then throws there, with the nonchalance that befits a man of his prestige, that useful quarterly operating not only high, but above all the product totally out of native soil. Yes, because the cost of labor, which affects both the operating profit, is high, too high in Italy than in Poland or Serbia. And so we find that Italian workers rests on the primary responsibility for the crisis in the industry, their expensive, to the low attachment to the factory, on truancy, the claims ... Those same workers to what did you think when Marchionne, objecting to the demands of his most trusted associates, refused to close their establishments Pomigliano, incidentally, also not to return to the territory that mafia. Fazio listen Marchionne and opposes the miserable salaries received by workers, insecurity job, the incentives paid by the government to Fiat, but his words were swept away by an annoyed that Marchionne emphasized that the incentives have encouraged Buyers - among other things, a few - Italian machines and only indirectly the Fiat, which has nothing with which the government has closed all liability position.
Fazio swallow embarrassment and flaunting ignorance economic / social and business by enabling a Marchionne now launched to expose themselves to ensure an adjustment of wages to the level of our own and Community in exchange for a partnership - benefits to all - with the unions. Incidentally most restive union with its counterpart - the CGIL still dragging its feet and represents an insignificant part of Fiat employees.
Then he gets up and walks away, leaving behind an unpleasant smell but known: stink of masters.


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