Saturday, October 30, 2010

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double track (serialized stories: episode # 1) The Return of Casanova

The night was dark, starless, dark. She advanced along the path almost groping, stumbling at times on the tree roots protruding from the ground, the cape that fluttered around, gonfionadosi wind and get caught on tree branches that could see when EMEGA spectral darkness.
went, without stopping, step by step, almost an instinct driving. But where? He knew he'd go, he hoped that his instincts guide. Every now and then raised his eyes staring at the sky, seamless, merged with the darkness of the earth, wrapped in a velvet jewel box.
"There will be a street light at an intersection, a box bordered by light, a star escaped the cage of the clouds ..." he thought as his feet trod the earth and she split from frost wrong, wrong. "How long? What time could it be? He did not wear watches, no one had ever endured. The time was kept at a distance, like an unwelcome lover not deign to look: he had already invaded his life to take a pieces, bites, bites in ever larger ... "
A blue flash shattered the darkness. A voice, unpleasant, accompanied him. Someone called. "Angela, Angela ... good morning!" And who is this? It sank in two mammoth tits, smelling of "Stretch and admire," gasped, felt a sharp pain in his arm and, as he answered educatamenteva "Yes?", The voice of a little while ago asked, "How are we going? "." What do you care? "she could not help but think, she said, knowing that I have to say something, muttering the two words" Not bad ... "And with her eyes closed, stubbornly closed, because this was not the light he sought.
something slipped in her throat ... Then again between his lips and dark he found a flake of snow, ice, melted upon contact of his mouth. water it, but we were missing only the snow to make his journey even more hardship and difficult.
made clear the air a pale glimmer at night.
was rising 's dawn.
The World regained firm boundaries: the laugh of relief sang, like a stream to thaw, its echo is amplified clashing, bouncing from rock to rock as the sun lit up the valley that opened up before her, the cottages thrown at random like dice on a table. A cock crowed, and someone walking behind him, quickened his pace.
(more. ..)


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