Saturday, October 30, 2010

Antibiotics Cure Swollen Ankles

love Schnitzler, Arthur Schnitzler, of which I have just read The Return of Casanova, little gem wrote in the early twentieth century Austrian author. Lowering the role of a Casanova in his sixties, the writer suggests it decline, suggesting to the tight wire of an interior monologue, as a soundtrack in the background, the cadence or rhythm. And history shows us a Casanova forced to take note of the insult of the time, trying to challenge comparison with the integrated youth - and the beauty that goes with it - Marcolina lover, a handsome young officer in love with the girl to Casanova who, following a loss to the game that gave them the shod and dressed in all his weakness, will an indecent proposal: a night with Marcolina zeroing in exchange of debt. Casanova, posing as the young officer under cover of darkness, will penetrate into the room of women e. .. At this point, the mail game will not just be a love affair, one more to add to the long list of Casanova's conquests, but the law, the opportunity, the family normal capacity of seduction that will prove not only intact, but glowing, explosive as a fireworks in a night of celebration, not only able to vanquish any other suitor, recognizing him for the umpteenth time, the seducer that no rivals, the man to whom every woman can only dream sooner or later to treat themselves, but also the fate that condemns us to old age. There
advance the final, in a crescendo of challenges and emotions that require it, can only be, as is inevitable, the result of consequential logic of events that punctuate their lives.
the background, even if nothing links the sites of Austria to Schnitzler's novel, the degree of maturity which the author arrives in deepening the psychological analysis of characters, primarily Casanova, brings me back to the Vienna of Freud, the birth of psychoanalysis that the culture was able to produce ... just before the war to overwhelm and destroy forever the empire of the Habsburgs.


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