Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pain Sensitive During Period

Sogno o son desta?

Two films, James Cameron's Avatar and Inception by Christopher Nolan, make me think ... Both, despite their obvious differences, they move on the low ridge that separates dream from reality. And what if the dream is not one of the most common - but no less powerful - expressions of the potential of the brain?
He daydreams - we know - but because of the ability to dream experience sinking into sleep, sleep that allows access, when it comes to the world - seems to have dreams, even in the womb - to this intangible but powerful dimension of the fantastic.
I think the dream vision, before the desire, or need, deep and inescapable, man forced into a life punctuated by the alternation of opposites. The soldier at war dreams of peace, healing the sick in the ward and the emotion that keeps alive the dream is the hope. Without the hope that the dream come true, life becomes difficult.
Cinema, dream factory, thanks to a technology more advanced approaches to the most delirious dreams, those in which emotions are unleashed, the physical sensations you esaltani, borders - any border - blow flies and humans, pirouette, dies and is reborn, lifting the veil of the unconscious that allows the dream to explore.
There are no more unexplored lands in the physical world, but what about the brain are the first discoveries, and, just like Christopher Columbus discovered America, we can be sure that it is not India?
Science, Technology and emotions are the trade winds that make us go, the wind, to new horizons, while the acute sensitivity that makes the eye of an artist makes a glimmering prospect of future that is fantastic because it realized, or not feasible?
is certain is that the boundary between real and imaginary, in the wake of a virtual reality more powerful and invasive, becomes unstable giving way to something new ... and unimaginable.
And if it were the real dimension of dreams and everyday life a kind of Kafkaesque nightmare? If instead of treating the sick body medicine in the future by manipulating the brain, lead us into a world where life was thought, lived and not the disease, reduced to disturbing thought, could be removed, expelled from the mind, as well as leaves from his face with a hand gesture a fly inappropriate?
And the young, closer to the future of the elderly in their favor this escape from reality, in this stunning desire to take them over , are the new explorers set off in search of the unknown, or children who are lost The forgetting of touch with reality?


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