Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mount And Blade Watch Tower

Tomorrow I'm 18 ...

turns 18 tomorrow ...

very nearly fail to realize: I'm going to really become an adult!
Still, I do not know: Will I never gave much importance to birthdays, or maybe because I just can not imagine how my life will change tomorrow or the next day ... the end, I know it will some 'business as usual.
But ... but they are still an adult! I am a citizen, I can vote and drive a car ... I can also go to jail, but in the end ... this is nice too!
Why I'm starting tomorrow ... IO! I am a person legally and socially active and recognized. And this is ... crazy! Fantastic!

So, come on ... I'm happy to take 18 years! XD

snort of the week:

Lately my nerves were really threatened to blow up, atomic style: it's just been a terrible time at school, chock full of checks. In the end, however, sono contenta, perché così passerò il weekend del mio compleanno senza studiare! ^^

Letture della settimana:
Ultimamente sto rileggendo un sacco Shakespeare: quest'uomo meraviglioso mi aiuta a tornare in equilibrio con il mondo e con me stessa *_*

Immagini della settimana:

Le due a colori che concludono l'ultimo capitolo di Kuroshitsuji 8ç____
*sbav sbav sbav* 8ç


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