Friday, January 28, 2011

Walmart Inexpensive Flatbed Scanner

E se appendessimo un lenzuolo o un panno bianco alla finestra...

appendessimo And if a white sheet or cloth at the window? Remember the rainbow flags, flowing on the window sill is visible dissent in the face of our country's participation in the Iraq conflict, and the sheets hung to challenge the mafia? A white brush on cities and towns to indicate the need to turn the page and the desire to start over.
Italy is not all in favor of Prime Minister. Lots of indignant citizens, free tools to express their emotions, make their choices, ask what you can do. Intimidation, now daily, to journalists, television presenters, insults, disdain for women in Parliament calling or occupy seats in municipal councils and regional authorities on the basis of their relationship, say personal with the President, one another spofondando the country in a climate shameful, endangering freedom we thought was acquired.
The majority of the country is with Berlusconi? Polls (their polls) still give them everything and despite winning? And we hang our flags, affacciamoci the windows and see who is our neighbor, we test whether strain our indignation ...
counted!! Maybe they'll find a lot to be tired, being tired of a politics that is unworthy use of power, arrogance and insolence, circus and unpreparedness, political blackmail and theft and lies and fiction.
revolutions you can do with a flower (carnations remember?). Why not with a sheet?


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