Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aluminum Foil And Penny Projects

Boh! Forse non ho capito? Possibile, ma improbabile

"Good, very good ..." and le gambe sollevate a fatica ripiombano sul letto. L'ottimismo è d'obbligo: il malato deve migliorare. Se non si scoprono le cause della sintomatologia, l'importante è sedare i dolori. La prima volta che ti vedranno in piedi, magari arpionata a un deambulatore, arriverà un altro "brava" (alle foche al circo  almeno un pesce per gratificarle, a me nemmeno un cioccolatino). Intanto prelievi ti dissanguano, mostri d'acciaio ti accolgono nel loro ventre infilata come una sardina nella bocca di uno squalo. La macchina ti scruta nel cervello.
Poi sfilze di dati misteriosi che non sembrano precludere ancora al rimbambimento totale. Qualche neurone solitario e un po' smarrito circola ancora. Aghi nei polpacci, volti meditabondi, tumor markers draw attention: one is high, but descriptive treats is false. What does this mean? Should not worry, but m'inquieta.
Do not worry: there are batteries that turn the concern of psychotropic drugs in Ridarolo or dotage. Where have all the data (or those deemed essential) the income does not come back: the identity takes over and the diagnosis is hard to establish: a tap me the gift of a general lowering of mood that treated with a drug-based Ser / control unit despite the implicit promise of serenity in that prefix ser me to find after a few minutes grappling with an EKG because my heart did not like. Applications irritate doctors, the source of the terrible attacks cramp is unknown but are stabilizing in time and recurring patterns. Was depressed at fixed hours? Two to three? Think it's a battuttacccia but is made in all innocence. The important
would reactivate the muscles. It would take a physiatrist, but does not arrive. Be consulting him after leaving hospital. Some tests are missing, waiting to report, but time is running out and my bed waiting for another patient. They greet me smiling, my next bed watching me bend over for yet another attack by those who have made me stay overnight. No comment, as I have done I saw his neighbor, who had preceded it, get bent at an acute angle, bent out ad angolo retto.
Boh! Forse non ho capito. Pochi neuroni? Possibile, ma improbabile.


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