are officially in crisis, because today I had the nice thought to go to the library with a fat wallet anxious to be emptied ... and now I do not want to do is just read the new books come into my house! (In addition to monthly copy of Rolling Stones)
The problem is that they are in full two weeks of school nightmare, full of checks ... sigh! (All this is deeply unfair
... Not to mention that I have read other books for the study of philosophy, in view of the question ... I find the willpower needed? (I doubt it)

almost at the last minute I discovered the series Classics of free thought in the Corriere della Sera, and this week released two booklets are very different but very related to my interests: first, Second Treatise of Government, John Locke, the which we mentioned in school about the English Glorious Revolution. The second is to Galieleo Galilei Starry Messenger; think, in the previous question of philosophy almost half the class chose as approfondiemento! It might have been complicit in its brevity?
But two other books that they send me in crisis, seriously undermining my commitment to study ...
finally came out Forbidden, Tabitha Suzumi! I had mentioned in the previous post, and now I have cornered a copy today, and I'm dying to read it * _ *
certainly does not help the wonderful
review published by LivingForBooks of Yuko, who put me us itch to read it now ... sigh! I have a reason to end up in a hurry to study ^ ^

Another book that tries while resting on my bedside table is the association of blood, Susan Hubbard. This paperback edition economic TEA in a novel already published a few years ago by Bloomsbury Publishing. I was intrigued even then, then I forgot to buy it ... and I did well, because this is the edition paperback, con una copertina anche migliore ^_^

La trama promette una solita storia vampiresca, ma ho fiducia in questo libro soprattutto perché era uscito per la Salani, che finora ha sempre proposto storie solo apparentemente banali ...
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