aware of your identical response. Only yes and nothing else. And you receive this promise by endorsing it and acts on your heart. I love you .... "The
whispered these words, as the train whistled the call to start. That long string of cars and tracks that would lead Elenoire away from me, perhaps forever ...
Once we were able to tell a love heart made of passion, surprise, a desire to conquer an overwhelming love me ... was eradicated from the earth, from work ... to love another ..
I still remember the taste of that first, soft kiss, stolen at night and his lips parted slightly, more shame for that reluctance. Then I drove accompanying the movement with a look of astonishment and disbelief gave way to space, uncontrolled, with a hint of a smile. It was the top of which I wanted to hold on, convinced that there began the climb towards a goal incredibly complicated but absolutely extraordinary.
We spent three intense years in which life was able to be a part of him still unknown what underlies the miracles and dreams realized. And at that time so short, we had heard to each other, knowing that we must give each other with conscious abandonment.
love for me, until then, had always been a game where the most skilled can win something other. So I enjoyed to stock up on feelings, time, illusions, please. I took everything feminine universe with a force that appealed to me incomprehensible. I knew I was not having to ask for much more, not having to give almost nothing in return.
However, as soon as I saw his eyes clear, the features of angels, the kind gestures, I knew immediately that I would not be able to steal that love, despite the experience, but rather the love could have chosen we electing its representatives.
happened and it was like unwrapping an unexpected gift, or meeting someone you do not know the existence and discover that he had suffered from the lack ...
Honored this task, tacitly given to us for several months, during which the feeling the game to tie Our stories like threads of different colors fused into the definition of the one image. An idyll, a dream ....
So, while I whispered these words in the damp greyness of the station, I was thinking about how everything had changed since then and received his early distance but not physical absence from the gaze toward another place where I was no longer present.
Gorge interwoven nerves and muscles and the voice drew back the power to give space to a thread of sound as a rattle with which to build his name. He turned his gaze and found myself deep in the brown which often dilutes my portrait.
How many times have I lived this scene, in other places and with her other, playing the part opposite to the current one. In those circumstances I came out on top because he understood the script and I knew what the ending would have been history. Aware of this I find myself terrified now, passive protagonist, unprotected and indefensible.
had waited too long for that statement. And I had been staring at his patience and his tireless understanding, convinced that it would enough for an indefinite period in which I could rearrange my feelings reinterpreting my life. That is why I never seriously talked to myself ... Elenoire
the morning when I announced the start I knew that my time was up. I realized that the story had been waiting in vain for my aging, a choice.
said nothing, looking down on her left hand which was still wearing a ring of green stone that I wanted to give her at Christmas. He noticed and closed fist. That gesture, certainly unintended, had the strength to seek the heart more than words heard. In the hand disappeared throughout our life together, rolled up and hidden forever.
The heart knows how to read events even before the conscience. That punch was able to hit in the chest without effort, without moving a breath of air, without movement. Yet it was terrible and painful. In
mind repeating his name as a disc or just crazy ... I got broken in the evening with a head full of her as it had never happened before or maybe I never noticed. So I thought stripped of his name, his presence, nothing would have been the same. I thought that, too, would not have been more man than before. We amplified a feeling of emptiness, of loss, comparable only to death. Without
Elenoire I would come back and just was not enough ... more
The train was the 12.05. Routes the subway connecting the platforms running without thinking, the only conviction to find something unique to say, easy. I devoured the stairs skipping steps three at a time and emerged near the dock in which it was present .. my love. So I declared myself in and I was amazed to see that new awareness.
The phrases uttered were not designed to impress or to force it to retreat in the choice. Rather than a spontaneous eruption of emotion, a confession. His silence
I threw in an awkward discomfort. The yeast anxiety to reach a panic. Her gaze off into space I foreshadowed a void much larger and intrusive. A moment where I thought lose all of me that still did not know fully
... ".. Only yes .. "- repeated in a faint voice pleading, launched against the resignation in the final attempt, unlikely. The train whistled
the last call.
She alternated gaze into the car and then on me, as before at a crossroads, a choice not long overdue.
".. I want to ask one simple thing .. "- she whispered -" ... but you love me ..?!" - continued with all the uncertainty that faded the explosive power of that question.
His voice was like a flash that illumines the darkness of night, the open wound that feel the warmth of living blood.
"I love you .. and forever .. "- I replied without hesitation and without being able to add more. I never had the courage to declare my love, until then unknown even to myself.
He looked at me with a new light that was shining eyes. Her cheeks were painted apricot and its perfume covered me remembering the taste of her skin. Then his mouth parted in a syllable.
Finally, the train snorted, defeated, and began speeding toward the unknown.
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