Monday, December 27, 2010

Haemochromatosis And Bloated Stomach

Literature and Disney Fetish Distortion: two modern diseases!


Thought you were rid of me, right?

Naaaaaa, I can not refuse to write more delusions! XD but 'nuff said ...
I hope it was for everyone a great Christmas ^ _ ^ now approaching the New Year (drums roll)!

This year, among my many semi-serious intentions, it would be to heal two modern diseases that afflict me much:

- the Literary Fetish (acute)
- Disney Distortion ( in phase stabilazzazione)
Let me explain ...

The Literary Fetish è una malattia pericolosissima , accostabile al verme solitario e alla cleptomania - non scherzo O-O
E' quell'istinto malsano che si mostra nei lettori più incalliti, e che costringe il malcapitato comprare uno sproposito di libri solo ed unicamente perché sono in possesso di splendide copertine!

Capite! E' terrificante! Per esempio: qui attorno ho postato le quattro immagini di quattro pubblicazione che, lo so già, comprerò per via della mia acutissima fase di F.L. Sono un caso grave potute giudicare voi stessi:

- The Replecement, di Brenna Yovanoff = ho trovato poche info di questo libro, e di qualle poche non ho capito assolutamente nothing of the plot (even if the protagonist is male or female). In these cases, usually buy paperback edition - but it does not exist! Do you think that you give up? Ovvimente no, because ... I love the cover! reminds me so much Edward Scissorhands ... * _ *

- Dark Passion of Kresley Cole = third chapter in the saga of the Immortals DETACHED episodes. I have not read anything about this author, but the reviews caught here and gives me an idea of \u200b\u200byet another saga paranormal-romance-erotica (in the mold of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, to say ...). Considering that are in the process Yaoi-Love, I do not know that do with a story like this: + woman sweet and beefy idiot ... compreò but obviously, because I fell in love with pink purple-black on the cover!

- Bloody Valentine, Melissa de La Cruz = this book is part of the saga of the Blue Bloods, blue blood here in Italy (Fanucci published). In this saga, I read the first two books, then I left, disgusted and decided not to take it. Do you think this book will give up? Of course not! Indeed, it is likely that there obstruct an altar, for it ...

- The Immortals bag, Alyson Noel = this author I have not read anything, I know nothing, do not give a damn ... but chances are good that scucirò the pennies needed to buy this adorable box! X___x

SOS !!!!!!!
I am a hopeless case ç_ç

There is a disease which I trying to detox: the terriile Distortion Disney!
This is a disease that afflicts a lot of people, I think, because you can find at least half the people who grew up watching Disney films (you know ... half the world?)
What brings this disease? It 'easy to understand: no longer know what they are really fantastic!

Hey, wait a moment's thought: people who do not know Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast ... are imaginary creatures that are part of our unconscious ... but incorrectly!
Come on ... those who do not think, as you appoint the above as a singing mice, crabs conductors, you airhead and myeloma happy ending where the extraordinary power dell'Ammore converts every single creature in the good side of the Force?
That's fine for charity (I am beginning to think that the hippie ideals are all in Timon and Pumba, for example ...). The problem is that fables and fairy tales should be a great, sweet filter of reality - and let's face it, Disney versions are little.
I noticed original reading fairy tales, or those of Hans Christian Andersen and those of the Brothers Grimm. Go get them: some are so sad (and sometimes very, very cruel ) will leave you breathless.

Ma-cavolacci bitter! - are human.
They are like us.

With a little 'courage, if one day I will have children ... Come on, read it to him, the true story of the Little Mermaid.

Ps first step to heal the distortion Disney read the manga by Kaori Yuki Ludwig! (circles between the tags is the post about it ... XD)


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