Saturday, November 13, 2010

Watch Explicit Brazilian Wax

Perché tanta meraviglia, Silvio?

Why so much wonder, Silvio? You have transformed politics into entertainment, in the television show by asking the center of the scene - you an incurable ham - and played your part, proud increasingly warm applause, standing ovation included? So what? Your audience has grown weary, perhaps because your show has become repetitive: the same old maidens, all curves and little brain, always la stessa menata, sempre uguali anche i sorrisi mentre gli spettatori all'uscita non trovavano più il cappello, o l'ombrello oppure i guanti, e, alla fine, nemmeno il cappotto e, tornando a casa, qualcuno si è ritrovato il soggiorno allagato e - come consolazione - solo le tue promesse e, di reale, una bottiglia d'acqua minerale e una vanga. Per cominciare a spalare il fango, anche dal laboratorio tirato su a fatica in anni di lavoro... "Come in guerra... " ha sussurrato tra i denti una vecchietta intervistata in TV, "come in guerra" mentre tu, simpatica canaglia, aggiungevi alla tua collezione di case l'ultima: la reggia di Antigua, costruita lontano dal Belpaese, poiché qui tutto rovina e i paesi ruscellano a valle dopo due giorni of rain, along with earth made unstable, dancer, from the hydrogeological. So maybe someone changed the channel and found a more clever comedian - one who played for free - taking you for a ride, making you look for what you have always been: a strolling player. A strolling player! Yes, but that policy, cheerful, never had much and - let's face it once and for all - should be a serious matter.
You can always change the channel, Silvio, and if I were to appear unified networks, a single click to turn the TV off. E 'policy via video, the image, the "disposable", the one that has contributed so much to your success ... Do not laugh any more? The grumbling is not giving on TV You just forgot? Someone like you?
I wonder, Silvio!


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