Monday, November 1, 2010

Verility Ex Cock Growth Blog

double track (serialized stories: episode # 3)

I have to go - he thought, getting up quickly and leaving money on the table, without looking back, the urgency to move that gave her an excitement for her unusual gestures.
The sun now enveloped the valley opens up before his eyes. He knew those rugged mountains, points, and their silence, knew the road that wound, alternating with short curved straight down into the valley. Although covered in snow would be able to distinguish the path, even with my eyes closed. He quickened his pace, down safe. Compared to the night just past advancing quite delivered. The son followed the more ... He must have stopped. Perhaps the owner of the local offer him the liver sausage in oil, maybe they got tired of following her in the race that he must have seemed meaningless. Be ', had grown up person, if it would manage itself in one way or another.
The coffee was burning the stomach and the bitter cold made her shiver. Almost without realizing it was in a square, one of those squares so common in countries not to be nearly indistinguishable from one another. The ever-present church on the one hand, the bar second, houses and a shop of food to demarcate the space that is at the heart of each country. Some old man playing cards in hand, the beguine front of the church, black as ravens hopping in the snow in search of food. Nothing seems to change, even in the house beside the church.
He went and put his ear to the door of the gate. Silence. Absolute. It had been so long, what had she expected? To find someone? To be welcomed to the sound of brass bands?
He moved slowly and peered through the fence into the garden. It was wild, the bushes had invaded the beds. The hedge no longer trimmed, thick as a wall, fell into disorder intertwined with weeds and overflowing into the square.
"Hello?" His voice sounded shrill and behind him he heard, before you even detect its presence, a woman's voice apostrophe in a questioning tone, "Are you Angela? My God, How long has it been? "
(more. ..)


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