The statement claims the role of custodian of absolute truth, irrefutable. The
There are various schools of thought: many believe that the leadership is up to the brain, the highest body to which every major action moves. That led to the thought that distinguishes man as conceived by the non-man. Able to construct ideas and pass on the story. Banner.
Lies! Illusions or perhaps incomprehensible errors.
The leader is the heart!
who believes he can defy the logic of this statement to try to weave memories. You will discover a world in which the heart has marked time by measuring each moment with precise beats, authoritarian.
The first caress of a mother, the feeling of being close to his chest. The kiss of the night by the false father reassured the children sleep, the first falling in love ... all the others. A project or a terrible failure.
The whole existence is always filtered through that organ cable mistaken for muscle. That makes sense his intrusive presence in the throat, stomach or forcing you to measure, in vain, its size indistinguishable. The
The courage he has fed constantly and passion has kept him alive. The pains have dug grooves and twisted scars and boredom has gangrenous. But despite all led us up to here and not leave us without a reason. The next
feel when everything is distant from us in that moment the extreme point the way to go to listen to new beats, different infinities. It will be the loudest sound of the universe. Rimbomberà on timpani with the divine voice calling us. Mark a hidden passage, like a ray of light that winds through the dense vegetation. A reverse bell announcing our departure through the absence of sound.
The leader is the heart!
Why did he say to the world that had already existed before the world could see us, when announcing a blinking dot il nostro nome per bocca di chi ci avrebbe amato per sempre.
Quando avrebbe voluto dividersi per regalare vita a chi stava perdendola.
Ha saputo tacere per non far prevalere la disperazione nelle tante occasione di angoscia; ha voluto ricominciare dopo le troppe sconfitte.
Chi comanda è il cuore!
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