La disponibilità di bottiglie PET post-consumo è ai minimi livelli, e ciò forza gli impianti di riciclaggio a funzionare con capacità ridotta.
L'allarme viene dall'associazione europea di settore, EuPR (European Plastics Recyclers), che imputa la scarsità di materiale a diversi fattori: un lungo inverno che non ha certo incentivato i consumi di bevande, la riduzione di peso delle bottiglie e l'aumento delle esportazioni di rifiuti plastici 'pregiati' verso i paesi dell'Estremo Oriente.
Secondo l'Associazione, la situazione potrebbe essere migliorata incrementando i tassi di raccolta differentiated and focusing on specific programs at the local level.
But it is also called for greater harmonization between the different collection systems and waste management, both in terms of quantity and quality, since there are still large differences between member countries.
The problem is not only economic: the recycling of plastic waste are also dependent on European environmental policies in the long run.
With this in mind the appeal launched by EuPR not to disperse knowledge and technology acquired in our continent, put at risk by their lack of waste, the 'raw material' that supplies recycling facilities.
EuPR also highlights the risks resulting dall'emorragia bottles to the Far East that could make the situation untenable for processors, users of packaging and end users.
addition, through the export of waste recyclers indirectly benefits from the non-EU national and Community support to the activities of collection (paid for by the taxes of the taxpayers), to the detriment of European companies in the sector, but it is the latter, and not Asian recyclers, that their work can help improve the environment in Europe.
source www.polimerica.it
PS In talking about specific programs at the local level for the collection of Pet, we should start calling the big retail chains and also the small and medium distribution to install efficient systems (eg MrPet) regarding the recovery and active involvement of citizens.
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