Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Save Custom Colors In Windows

alarming shortage of bottles recyclers

27 maggio 2010

La disponibilità di bottiglie PET post-consumo è ai minimi livelli, e ciò forza gli impianti di riciclaggio a funzionare con capacità ridotta.

L'allarme viene dall'associazione europea di settore, EuPR (European Plastics Recyclers), che imputa la scarsità di materiale a diversi fattori: un lungo inverno che non ha certo incentivato i consumi di bevande, la riduzione di peso delle bottiglie e l'aumento delle esportazioni di rifiuti plastici 'pregiati' verso i paesi dell'Estremo Oriente.

Secondo l'Associazione, la situazione potrebbe essere migliorata incrementando i tassi di raccolta differentiated and focusing on specific programs at the local level.

But it is also called for greater harmonization between the different collection systems and waste management, both in terms of quantity and quality, since there are still large differences between member countries.

The problem is not only economic: the recycling of plastic waste are also dependent on European environmental policies in the long run.
With this in mind the appeal launched by EuPR not to disperse knowledge and technology acquired in our continent, put at risk by their lack of waste, the 'raw material' that supplies recycling facilities.

EuPR also highlights the risks resulting dall'emorragia bottles to the Far East that could make the situation untenable for processors, users of packaging and end users.
addition, through the export of waste recyclers indirectly benefits from the non-EU national and Community support to the activities of collection (paid for by the taxes of the taxpayers), to the detriment of European companies in the sector, but it is the latter, and not Asian recyclers, that their work can help improve the environment in Europe.


PS In talking about specific programs at the local level for the collection of Pet, we should start calling the big retail chains and also the small and medium distribution to install efficient systems (eg MrPet) regarding the recovery and active involvement of citizens.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marlin Mod. 336cs Mico-groove Barrel 30/30 Win.

"Living" Terra Futura

Terra Futura visitors can learn about and touch examples and projects dedicated to the 'live' low environmental impact.

Back successful fifth edition of "Architecture and Sustainability Award", whose best works will be awarded on Friday 29 May.

Applications for participation in the 2010 edition were over a hundred testifying to the importance achieved by the competition.

news, insights, latest technologies are the protagonists in the "Natural Living" where exhibitors display products and projects.

Among latest trends in terms of architecture, engineering design and construction are reported models proposed by KeoHabitat employing, among others, unpublished materials from the reuse of plastic wood and paper.

environmentally sustainable buildings and energy-independent, with the help of system from renewable energy sources, are being presented by Wo-Ties with the study of Codazzi Colico (LC).

Terra Futura also EAAP-Alternative Projects for Energy and Environment, with outreach work, the door InformaEnergia, projects of environmental education, training initiatives, etc..

Keo ( )

ecosystem protection activities

Keo is a design company that brings together a group of professionals inspired by the principles of ethics.
He deals with engineering of waste, converting waste to a resource problem by building projects economically and technologically sustainable.
at Savigliano (Cn)

Keo chooses to present future Earth KeoHabitat its construction model based on the use of materials and environmentally friendly technological solutions and cost-effective.

Keo search firms and designers sensitive to environmental issues who wish to convert their own way of designing, construct and produce. (Redevelopment of its production cycle to the construction of buildings with very high efficiency and high level of comfort) specialist in the treatment of sewage and solid waste through the enhancement of the waste
(es.digestori, pyrolyzed, micoculture etc. ...).


Famosas Follando Mexicanas

the supermarket with Mr. Pet

You can earn throwing a plastic bottle in the right place? The answer to this question - far from strange - it's called Mr. Pet .

Nasce da una sinergia italo-francese, cervello operativo e sede commerciale a Racconigi. Obiettivo: premiare, in denaro, i cittadini che fanno correttamente la raccolta differenziata delle bottiglie in plastica.
E’ già da tempo una realtà in in Normandia, in Francia (nel Midi-Pirenei e nei dintorni di Parigi) e in tre regioni d’Italia (Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta e Sardegna). Ma è pronta a conquistare l’intero Stivale.

Grazie all’accordo con due grandi catene commerciali, Sisa e Carrefour , Mr. Pet ha già installato, fuori da alcuni supermercati, le sue “banche” della plastica: grandi e colorati contenitori piazzati nei parcheggi o all’interno dei centri commerciali.

Ci si avvicina con il proprio cumulo di bottiglie in PET, una semplice guida insegna come inserire il prodotto vuoto ed ecco che inizia la filiera del riciclo. Saltati tutti i passaggi della discarica, siamo noi, con i nostri “vuoti a rendere”, gli attori principali della riconversione della plastica.
Ad ogni bottiglia un punto (”punti amici dell’ambiente”), accumulato su una card personale ritirata gratuitamente al supermercato, che permette di avere sconti alla cassa quando si fa la spesa.

Il cliente si fidelizza al punto vendita che promuove una logic "green" and is rewarded in a simple, convenient and useful.

the series: more empty water or soft drinks, marked by the sign PET (polyethylene terephthalate), port to be recycled to the car - making a valuable first selection - more than my points grow.
Why "Plastic does not exist a single type, but at least 5 or 6, are different from shampoo bottles, cups from the coffee, the packaging of tuna.

And they all require a different process of differentiation of the waste sorting centers, "says Michael Bergia, president of the Society of Ethical Finance , animatore del progetto.

“Un processo che si può risparmiare se a farlo sono gli stessi cittadini, nelle loro case”.
Con Mr. Pet, dunque, la bottiglia non diventa un rifiuto, ma una risorsa.

Il vantaggio è triplo: i Comuni risparmiano sulla differenziata, i cittadini sono ricompensati in denaro, i centri commerciali fidelizzano il cliente.

Il grosso dei nostri rifiuti, infatti, sono proprio gli involucri in polietilene.
Tutti dotati di un codice a barre.
“Con un sistema di lettura di questo codice – continua Bergia – immagazziniamo immondizia di altissima qualità per molte prestazioni recycling.

Think what you can do with 15 billion bottles emptied every year, only water, not to mention soft drinks.

overcome the logic of the bins, we teach them to recycle directly with our own hands, without fatigue. To give incentives in exchange for the money with the points system, in agreement with the supermarkets and local authorities. "

Mr. Pet
The machines can collect up to 10,000 bottles a day, a volume of 30 boxes that were filled by our plastic.
becomes more sensitive to the environment is not, therefore, only the ethical and ecological. From today there is an incentive economico.

La plastica, si sa, se non è ben smaltita ha una vita lunga anche 400 anni. In questo modo invece, attivata con Mr. Pet, la filiera del ricilo ad hoc, è capace di rivivere in molti modi.
Ad esempio diventando carrello o cestino della spesa.

Come suggeriscono gli stessi iniziatori del progetto (che già coinvolge con successo punti vendita in tutto il mondo) molti supermarket di Torino e dell’hinterland torinese (Collegno, Nichelino, Leinì, Pinerolo, Savigliano), recentemente avviato anche in Sardegna (Alghero, Cagliari, Porto Torres, Ozieri), Val d'Aosta, France.

They were called "Eko-Logic Shop to Shop." They are made from 100% recycled plastic well, that the scales of Pet: ergonomic and colorful baskets from the supermarket and beyond that to retire the old plastic bag, protecting the environment without riunciare comfort.

From Eataly in Turin, the first prototypes of these trucks, "green".

Ekoquick But the potential of the trash bag and Keobox are much greater.

Belonging to the line eko-logic to Home Shop is dedicated to end users, are made with interlocking detachable and transportable as comfortable handbags arm: these containers through and replace all the little Ecological polyethylene bags, which many governments are gradually outlawing.

As the bags, you can always carry with them: the hanging basket Eko-Logic Shop to Shop and bring the car to load up the shopping.
all without unnecessary and harmful waste plastic.
for 23 bottles PET transformed into one of these baskets, you save 2 kg of oil and 5.2 kg of CO2. A cart, instead, is easily done with 250 bottles of water, for a total of 100 kilograms less CO2 in the atmosphere.

So, everyone happy. Except
manufacturers Pet.
And on this sad note Bergia points out: "In Italy there is a legal vacuum on the recycling of plastics. We fill this gap.
What's the point, in fact, that such co-sorting of waste is managed by the same producers of raw materials, glass and plastic in the first place?
Take the disposal of glass: we have the law teaches us to demolish it.
We go to church bells and breaking bottles.
This glass is wasted. Well do

Germany or the Czech Republic that let you fly, in the form of reusable bottles for 10 years.
with us a container of beer takes time to get a drink, pace of who produces it.

The same goes for the plastic: many consider it a waste cumbersome, we give them a second life in a hurry. "
Source (Letizia Tortello)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wording For Fundraising Invitations

The leader is the heart

The leader is the heart ..!
The statement claims the role of custodian of absolute truth, irrefutable. The
There are various schools of thought: many believe that the leadership is up to the brain, the highest body to which every major action moves. That led to the thought that distinguishes man as conceived by the non-man. Able to construct ideas and pass on the story. Banner.
Lies! Illusions or perhaps incomprehensible errors.
The leader is the heart!
who believes he can defy the logic of this statement to try to weave memories. You will discover a world in which the heart has marked time by measuring each moment with precise beats, authoritarian.
The first caress of a mother, the feeling of being close to his chest. The kiss of the night by the false father reassured the children sleep, the first falling in love ... all the others. A project or a terrible failure.
The whole existence is always filtered through that organ cable mistaken for muscle. That makes sense his intrusive presence in the throat, stomach or forcing you to measure, in vain, its size indistinguishable. The
The courage he has fed constantly and passion has kept him alive. The pains have dug grooves and twisted scars and boredom has gangrenous. But despite all led us up to here and not leave us without a reason. The next
feel when everything is distant from us in that moment the extreme point the way to go to listen to new beats, different infinities. It will be the loudest sound of the universe. Rimbomberà on timpani with the divine voice calling us. Mark a hidden passage, like a ray of light that winds through the dense vegetation. A reverse bell announcing our departure through the absence of sound.
The leader is the heart!
Why did he say to the world that had already existed before the world could see us, when announcing a blinking dot il nostro nome per bocca di chi ci avrebbe amato per sempre.
Quando avrebbe voluto dividersi per regalare vita a chi stava perdendola.
Ha saputo tacere per non far prevalere la disperazione nelle tante occasione di angoscia; ha voluto ricominciare dopo le troppe sconfitte.
Chi comanda è il cuore!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dora 2nd Birthday Invitations

System Design: new perspectives for the project and economy.

The innovation lies not in the continuous technological updating, but you look in the corner with the problems.

We need to activate a new interdisciplinary culture, to create a network of knowledge, to outline a dialogue between different disciplines closely dependent on each other.

E 'need to regain the cultural and practical skills to be able to define and plan the flow of matter flowing from one system to another in a continuous metabolism decreases the carbon footprint and generates a considerable economic flow, currently waste production processes are just an expense.

L’approccio del Design Sistemico, bagaglio culturale necessario per i nuovi operatori, può attivare una nuova economia basata sulla progettazione di cicli industriali aperti.

Il suo focus è l’Uomo, inserito nel sistema in cui vive ed in cui attiva le proprie relazioni.

In questo modello le varie attività di vita e di produzione coesistono in maniera paritaria ed hanno ognuna la propria essenziale funzione nel sistema relazionale complessivo: nessuna prevale sulle altre, ma ognuna esiste grazie a tutte le altre.


L'approccio Sistemico un nuovo modello economico/produttivo e di progetto in forte relazione con il territorio
Luigi Bistagnino (Politecnico di Torino)

Casi studio coordinati da Luigi Bistagnino

Con gli scarti agricoli si può creare lavoro ed energia Agrindustria (prodotti vegetali per industrie, filler per bioplastiche, etc) Silvia Barbero, Giuseppe Tecco

Riconversione industriale , passare dal modello produttivo lineare a quello sistemico Lanzi srl (dispositivi di protezione per il lavoro) Compagnia di Finanza Etica (carrelli per spesa in Keorex - PET riciclato-, etc) Beppe Locati, Michelangelo Bergia

systemic events, event model with reduced environmental impact with new economic opportunities Salone Internazionale del Gusto and Terra Madre World Figure Skating Cristian Campagnaro, Franco Fassio

A second life for the media communication, new products and business for the nonprofit Papili factory (handbags, accessories, clothing, etc) Silvia Braga

By Design Systemic Research Group, Politecnico di Torino.

In collaboration with Agrindustria, the Society of Ethical Finance, Lanzi, and Slow Food Factory Papili


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Palpitations Vitamin A


Ho chiamato a piena voce il tuo nome, respirando il profumo che riconosco tuo da anni.
Può l’amore correre sul filo di uno sguardo e passare da un corpo all’altro senza trovare riposo ma solamente scambio..?! Questo sperimento con te, mamma; ogni volta che incrocio la direzione del tuo look ahead. And it is for me back in time, happy childhood, made up of biscuits and stories.
The eye color does not betray the erosion of time, or rather dictated by the brings a clarity of mature years. Like a good wine must rest that settles in the bottom of the barrel all that does not help to appreciate the quality.
note your strong arms, the interweaving of muscles contracts for work in the kitchen. The voice humming an unknown reason, yet familiar. The harmony of gestures, like a beautiful dance and l'etoile you ..!
I remember as a child I looked like an angel, because the backlight used to dilute your image by creating un alone di calore e meraviglia. E sapevo che eri bella perché il mio sguardo poggiava sul tuo sorriso. Quello stesso che ancora oggi mi regala un attimo di intima felicità rassicurandomi …
Sfioro il dorso della tua mano ruvida; quante volte ho portato quella che prima era seta sulla mia guancia bagnata dalle lacrime. Adesso ne contemplo la storia, la fatica e sento gratitudine.
Il tempo accompagna le nostre vite ricordando ad entrambe di non voltarsi indietro; perché il passato urla per impaurire il presente. Ma, insieme, guardiamo avanti sorretti dall’amore che vive in noi, per sempre …!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crochet Baby Headbands Wholesale

Hi Tech & Environment for the sustainable economy of the future

A trip in 2020 for the choices of today

Hi Tech & Environment, the annual industry strategies mail.

The 2009 event was particularly appreciated for its success in developing a fascinating comparison of innovation in products and services "green" and promotion of responsible consumption.

In 2010, Hi Tech and Environment will once again be at the public meeting with important personalities of national and international scene, with which to make a journey into the future, exploring the possible scenarios related to the commitment that is now being asked to businesses, citizens and institutions to target products, regulation and consumption towards sustainability of the electronics industry throughout the life cycle.

This remains the challenge of our time and calls into question the very hi-tech industry as a crucial sector for a sustainable future. But what are the avenues to pursue?

Eco design, the economics of recycling, energy efficiency.

If you act decisively on these levers and concrete perspective that is emerging is promising and would reverse a critical trend: the boom in energy consumption on the one hand and the exponential growth of electronic waste in the world and their accumulation on the other, particularly in some countries due to lack of management systems or for export through illegal channels .

We know that these challenges are played at the national level, but with a global perspective, that it will explore with contributions from the United States and Africa, while Mario Tozzi accompany us on a journey into the future of our planet, how could to be and as it should be an undertaking that is.

Topics stimuli and that the project Hi Tech & Environment launched now on the web, the blog "Green Circuits" ( ), which aims to establish itself as a forum for dialogue and meeting place for domestic consumers, enthusiasts, businesses that deal with the relationship between technology and environment.


Mario Tozzi, Senior Researcher of the National Research Council and television went on a trip

* Mike Anane, a journalist and environmental activist - GhanaTraffico illegal e-waste: to stop the bleeding ' Africa

Danilo Bonato, Director General ReMediaHi Tech and economics of recycling

Reference * Wayne, EPEAT Director of Standards and Product Verification - Green Electronics Council (GEC) Green electronics between the U.S. and Europe

Francesco Trabucco, industrial designer and professor of industrial design at Politecnico di MilanoDesign or eco-design?

Design Faculty - Politecnico di Milano, students, fellows ReMediaNuove generations of technical-creative work will be followed by cocktail

* In direct connection via web

For information and participation: - Phone 06 441640306


Kates Playground Horse Foot

Strategies for a sustainable planet: the challenge of the green economy

Friday, May 14 at 17:30
Hall di Rappresentanza della Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di

San Paolo Piazza Bernini 5, Torino

Lester Brown , fondatore del Worldwatch Institute e promotore e presidente dell'Earth Policy Institute, considerato dal Washington Post “ uno dei più influenti pensatori del mondo ” sarà a Torino venerdì 14 maggio , alle 17,30 , presso la Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo in Piazza Bernini 5, per presenziare al seminario

" Strategie per un pianeta sostenibile: the challenge of the green economy. "

The meeting is organized by the Institute for Environment and Education Schola Futuro Onlus and publishing environment with the help of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin." Competition " between politics, economics and natural points of no return: this is the focus addressed by Lester Brown in his speech.

established that business as usual, the current model of economic development can not continue much longer, Brown proposes a change of perspective, an alternative performance undertaken by the Western societies: a real "Plan B" with massive intervention to restructure the world economy .
A market which is permitted to ignore the indirect costs in the allocation of prices of goods and services is irrational, sink resources and ultimately self-destructive this is why, Brown said "the key to building a world economy that can sustain economic progress is the creation of a market honest and tell the truth about their ecological costs .
"We can watch helplessly in an economy that continues to engulf the natural systems that support up to destroy itself or we can adopt Plan B - writes in the new, updated edition Plan B 4.0 just published by Edizioni Ambiente - can be the generation that reverses direction, moving the world toward a path of sustainable progress. "

The seminar involved Bistagnino Louis, Professor of Industrial Design (Politecnico di Torino), Guido Bolatto , Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino, Giulio Mondini , deputy director of the institute SiTI (Institute Higher Territorial Systems for Innovation) and Professor at the Politecnico di Torino.

participate Anna Maria Poggi, president of the Foundation School for the Compagnia di San Paolo, Mario Solomon, president of the Institute for Environment and Education Schola Futuro Onlus Apostle Claudia, Italy 3 Environment Rai journalist.

Lester R. Brown is the founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is interdisciplinary and develop a plan for a sustainable future and a path showing how to get there.
He was the founder and president of the Worldwatch Institute, the most authoritative observatory trends of the environment of our planet.
He has published over 50 books, translated into over 40 languages, and has received 24 honorary degrees.

We thank the Foundation for the Jesuit school of St. Paul for their kind cooperation.
There will be a simultaneous translation service.
partecipazione.Ingresso free certificate is issued subject to availability.

Please confirm your presence at the number 011 4366522


I Want To Buy Tech Decks


a real forest, with lawns, trees, cottage to accommodate nature lovers born under the Fair Xylexpo , the biennial International woodworking technology and supplies for the furniture industry to be held from 4 to 8 May 2010, and in conjunction with the Technology Exhibition Week.
In an area of \u200b\u200b3,200 square meters (in Hall 14) will set up a woodland with more than 500 trees including large, open free to the public on Saturday 8 and Sunday, May 9.
will be an opportunity to see unusual Fiera Milano in a light and pleasant and discover the secrets of the woodwork and crafts, as told by carpenters and lumberjacks.
Bosco at the Fair will also host the Biathlon Woodman's, organized by the Friends of the Lumberjacks Valtellina where you can watch the fast limbing with a hatchet and then, the creation of sculptures with strokes of the saw.
But beyond the event, what will visitors will surely be a warning to our forest resources, a wealth of opportunities for environmentally friendly construction.

Source: Fiera Milano News No.25 - May 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Raven Riley Wood Streaming

The Fair is open to all public water remains in Milan!

Dear Friends,
you around a communication certainly relevant for our city, and maybe not all: Friday night, just minutes before the vote on the budget 2010, the Milan City Council unanimously approved an agenda attached presented by me last April and signed by representatives of both majority and minority (Gallery, Majorino, De Angelis, Salvatore) which commits the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to take all the procedures required by law to ensure the maintenance of full control of public water service (Integrated model "in house").
The news published today on page. 2 of Milan's Corriere news. They
lot of requests from all other cities in North Italy, on political leadership of various colors, to have a copy of the document. You
puòtrovare on Facebook.
In fact, the current Italian legislation is made on purpose to discourage and make it difficult to maintain the controlo pubblico in questo settore, aprendo le porte alle grandi multinazionali dell'acqua, il cui ingresso nelsettore significherebbe due cose (come insegna l'esperienza francese): aumento delle tariffe a carico dei cittadini e riduzione delle spese per i controlli di qualità dell'acqua da parte dell'ente gestore privato.
Milano, la più grande città del Nord, amministrata dal centrodestra, dà un segnale in netta controtendenza.
Senza slogan e linguaggio politichese, il Consiglio comunale di Milano ha deciso, all'unanimità, che l'acqua è un bene pubblico e che pertanto deve rimanere sotto totale controllo pubblico: una scelta corretta, saggia e conveniente anche sotto il profilo economico, della corretta gestione and safety of the final consumer, the city of Milan.
good news for the signature campaign in progress, an important message from the City Council: the lucrative business for a few, it favors the well-being for all.
Finally, permettetemelo, evidence that perhaps the Greens are still of some use in this country.

Best wishes to you soon.

Henry Fedrighini Milan City Council Parent Verdi