MrPET è il nuovo strumento per la comunicazione ambientale.
“Make money saving the planet” è il concetto sintetico dell’economia che salva il pianeta e che la nostra macchina traduce nel premio delle azioni frutto di intenzioni positive ed ecosostenibili.
MrPET è un fenomeno sociale che coinvolge i produttori ed i consumatori su interessi comuni: la bottiglia di PET è una risorsa ed ha un valore; per chi produce il bene di consumo essa è il sistema più economico e facile per presentare un prodotto che comunica al mercato bontà e salute, while those who distributes and sells bottled comoditàe seen in security to the consumer. The
consumer is the one who chooses
good, it pays all the quality we offer, and close to consuming the product cycle by creating a de facto denial.
In a traditional setting that is synthesized in a linear process of production of waste, where the bottle is produced by an actor to be used by a second player and be disposed of by a third party.
The introduction of the machine cycle turns from linear to circular and making it converts the waste into resource.
The project was realized through the production of tools such as shopping baskets, Stacking and carts made with material taken from their bottles of fruit collection.
Thanks to the project "
ekologic shop to shop" the store out of the plastic bottle in the form and we will return in the form of trash.
MrPET is our system to measure and reward commitment to the process of collecting, recognizing the consumer a "friendly" to each bottle and then transforming the collection in real economic activity for the supermarket
point means a guarantee of loyalty and respect from the customer, for us the bottle means resource materiale ed economica; per le amministrazioni pubbliche, vuol dire primeggiare nel segmento di raccolta differenziata.
MrPET ed
" ekologic shop to shop " rappresentano il più completo ed efficace sistema di comunicazione ambientale a disposizione di una azienda.
Il loro punto di forza è la concretezza con la quale dimostrano che l’impegno sociale è la base per il rispetto dell’ambiente.
Ciò che nella realtà succede è che il punto vendita coinvolge attivamente la popolazione adottando un sistema premiato di raccolta differenziata di bottiglie di plastica PET; con recovered plastics are produced baskets and trolleys for shopping.
Those who enter the store and then pose in the form of plastic bottles and resume it in the trash.
This triggers important phenomena of economy and education.
The store becomes a place of education that leads to purchasing him helping families in the daily shopping and social growth. The pair
MrPET and "ecologic
shop to shop," and turns luogodella sale in landmark on the territory that creates bonds of belonging concrete, effective and long lasting.
In a French point of sale in Normandy in 4942 less than a year people have been able to increase their spending thanks to the points made by the collection of 879,580 PET bottles.
Respect for the environment and the economic recovery also pass through the recovery of resources, the system that transforms the bottles into tools for shopping it is the practical and tangible demonstration.
Your store becomes the container, the communicator and above all the guarantor of this process made by people for people.
MrPET economy is not only on the collection: in fact the social phenomenon of product has already attracted and convinced some companies, which, already sensitive to the environmentally friendly in their production processes, have proposed their brands to occupy the spaces provided on the packaging machine and promotional space on the video.
Thanks to the latter, customers who are going to file the PET bottles at the car
receive from our advertisers, information and tips for a cost efficient, convenient, and then label. Key benefits of
For the citizen
• The citizen is rewarded for his ethical behavior and ecology. For the supermarket
• Increasing customer loyalty
• The supermarket enjoys a return to ecological image.
• if the store takes product series "eko logic shop to shop" communicates
immediate, even to the customer, the result of recycling to the environment
• PET bottles are collected and not released into the environment
• Keorex you get a secondary raw material is high-performance
• avoid the dissipation of energy, since no other processes necessary for the selection of junk.