.. sometimes just the head, narrowing his eyes on a past that now, saw away quickly. He stood still need that moment to recognize the strangeness of the voice and she seemed to be in a dream, muffled and melancholy.
That same voice, years before, he had spelled his name with a tone very different and perhaps with different feelings from those of today. How distant those days ... they seemed. And how she was different: yesterday a girl now a woman full of illusions ...
"Catherine!" Insisted the man's voice.
She was still firm, her lips parted, eyelids relaxed on the eyes, nostrils slightly apart to breathe the perfume of that new freedom, at last, felt in the soul bursts. A gust of wind
unruffled hair, long, auburn, which smelled of cinnamon and honey and that surround the face.
must have seemed wonderful, because it was truly the most beautiful and charming he had ever had in his life arid.
Catherine had met by chance, as almost always happens when fate does not find anything better to make happen. And so are men or women to suffer. And that time it had fallen in love with a man she does not obviously beautiful, certainly not bright, not particularly nice, obviously not in love ... what you ...
"Catherine ..?!" lamented his mother, leaving a long pause of silence between the exclamation of the name and the sigh that accompanied a dull ache just mentioned dall'aggrottamento eyebrows on the forehead. Why
wanted to marry him was a mystery to everyone and, perhaps, she sometimes had to ask ourselves in the gray of the many nights spent alone. Sometimes crying in the grip of a naive remorse, a sense of guilt that made her believe to be inadequate, unable to carry on that union. The strange relationship between two people gradually receded as the foam of the wave comes from the current callback.
"Catherine .." whispered her mother on the rare occasions that he could encircle the body with a tender embrace in an effort not to make you feel alone, abandoned. His little cat was left, treacherous and sullen, lonely as the most valuable gemstones on gold when they are embedded.
Ten years is a huge amount of time he spent in solitude. These may seem like the earthly version of the infinite. Such was elapsed from that one, the first day that formalizes their happy married life. Sometimes
made a request for explanation for the detached attitude of him and received only scorn and falsehood. The absence was motivated by work commitments, and then what would have to be afraid every time ... back home ...!
Eventually, she ran out of tears and stopped crying. He decided to regain control over the skin and body and began to cultivate a passion for massage and cosmetics. Camera color and tone, and finally had the courage to look in the mirror as she did as a girl. He found that the time had not played fairly with wrinkles and threatened that the silver the red hair. He felt ashamed for failing to preserve the gift of his life ....
so decided. He understood that it was time to make things clear, picking every little thing that he could witness his suffering, his desire for redemption, all the failure to love.
He found the diaries when she was a girl es'immerse in a careful reading and excited. Enjoy a phase of his life when he was really happy and had been longing. Then the desire to experience again the emotions took over, and so the reading was more greedy, more restless and quick. On the last page it took twice as long as that used for reading all suoi scritti. Doveva rallentare, per compiere pienamente la trasformazione necessaria alla sua catarsi più piena.
Una mattina si alzò dal letto, elettrizzata dalla notte insonne. Aveva meditato a lungo; progettato ogni gesto, passo, decisione che avrebbe compiuto da lì a poco. Voltò il capo verso l’altra metà del materasso rimasta ancora una volta inutilizzata. Scostò con un gesto secco coperta e lenzuola che l’avevano custodita nella notte ed inspirò con una forza ed una capienza sorprendenti. Voleva risucchiare in sé ogni delusione vissuta in quella stanza; ogni emozione che era stata partorita ed abbandonata. Non avrebbe lasciato niente di sé in quella casa.
Raccolse i vestiti, i suoi libri, dei Silicone flowers purchased in the bazaar and that reminded the spring, a wool hat, the wedding video in which he had laughed so much for the effect of the champagne, the soundtrack to the film Mission and a Bible. Put them as best he could in a suitcase fabric, such as those used in the thirties in the films still in black and white.
Until then, he had never sought solace in faith. This is not really considered a believer. Or rather not strongly practicing, that is devoid of that perseverance in maintaining a relationship that allows knowledge to be transformed into friendship, esteem and love ... So God had been watching from afar, from the other room. And every time he entered the place where he was Catherine came out she unconsciously away again. It had been a continuous run, perhaps, now saw the finish line: one of the first to reach them.
"Catherine ..." he repeated slowly, as if to encourage the decision taken. By now he knew how to keep company itself, from time was not afraid of solitude was the only trustworthy companion. He glanced
posted on the walls of the hall, stepping back up to the front door. She stopped when she heard the wood bouncing on his shoulders. He stood a moment with his arms resting beside the long sides and the right hand clutching the handles of the suitcase. He nodded as a greeting, the house that had hosted and which had never wanted to be mistress.
The left hand turn the handle and the first warmth of a new day is mixed with the carbonation of the morning air on alighting fleshy cheeks. Were painted immediately accompanied by the tip of the nose. Out here, the world began to move and his eyes opened wide the shutters of the houses.
three steps separated her from her new life. Three steps down. Counted them with her eyes and thought they were a good omen for the perfection of the prime number and because they could be covered quickly and effortlessly.
He narrowed his eyes to the joke of a timid ray of sun reflected on the chrome of a car. Moment all the presented his past and did see a remnant of the future.
was awakened by the call of a familiar voice "... Catherine, already out of the house ..?!" asked her husband. She smiled at him, without rancor.
That morning she was out ... forever!
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