Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bmi Caluculator With Breast Size

Doppio binario (Racconto a puntate: ultima puntata)

E così lei, algida donna del Nord, aveva conosciuto la passione; quella che fa stirare le labbra ai benpensanti, facendo scuotere loro la testa e mormorare "Ma cosa  troverà in quella?... ". La vita aveva ripreso a scorrere nelle sue vene intorpidite. Aveva ricominciato a sorridere. A ridere.
Una luce, insistente, la seguiva nonostante i suoi tentativi di seminarla, di ignorarla strizzando le palpebre.Cosa volevano ancora da lei? - pensò mentre qualcuno accanto a lei borbottava qualcosa. Doveva muoversi, farsi bella, scendere a controllare che mancasse nel garage comune la macchina della moglie the musician ... He bought a gift for him, for their first anniversary. He had put a ticket in the mail, inviting her out to dinner ... Green light: the car was not there! The short dress bubbled around the slender legs high-heeled sandals that made it even longer.
Here! He pulled the car to be lengthened to open the door on his side. She went up and the sky above his head was full of stars while the machine swallowed the road by increasing the speed. Why run that way? Did not have time to ask: flashing lights, reddish, darkened the glow of the stars next to her while someone yelled, complained ... Then the loud sound, tearing, of a siren pierced the skull, and shook the pain, the swallowing, the gripped. Greedy phagocytosis.
He opened his eyes. The doctor's coat smelled of Stretch and admires.
His son had swollen eyes: the beard, not shaved for days, giving him an air of weary men adult.
He tried to speak but his lips were dry and cracked. Her mother nodded in silence.
"It 's not a breath ..." whispered his companion and her husband gave a nod.
The question that surfaced in his eyes demanded an answer. Her husband whispered: "It 's dead."
She closed her eyes, reached. Recapture, surrendered to the vita.


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