Monday, December 27, 2010

Haemochromatosis And Bloated Stomach

Literature and Disney Fetish Distortion: two modern diseases!


Thought you were rid of me, right?

Naaaaaa, I can not refuse to write more delusions! XD but 'nuff said ...
I hope it was for everyone a great Christmas ^ _ ^ now approaching the New Year (drums roll)!

This year, among my many semi-serious intentions, it would be to heal two modern diseases that afflict me much:

- the Literary Fetish (acute)
- Disney Distortion ( in phase stabilazzazione)
Let me explain ...

The Literary Fetish è una malattia pericolosissima , accostabile al verme solitario e alla cleptomania - non scherzo O-O
E' quell'istinto malsano che si mostra nei lettori più incalliti, e che costringe il malcapitato comprare uno sproposito di libri solo ed unicamente perché sono in possesso di splendide copertine!

Capite! E' terrificante! Per esempio: qui attorno ho postato le quattro immagini di quattro pubblicazione che, lo so già, comprerò per via della mia acutissima fase di F.L. Sono un caso grave potute giudicare voi stessi:

- The Replecement, di Brenna Yovanoff = ho trovato poche info di questo libro, e di qualle poche non ho capito assolutamente nothing of the plot (even if the protagonist is male or female). In these cases, usually buy paperback edition - but it does not exist! Do you think that you give up? Ovvimente no, because ... I love the cover! reminds me so much Edward Scissorhands ... * _ *

- Dark Passion of Kresley Cole = third chapter in the saga of the Immortals DETACHED episodes. I have not read anything about this author, but the reviews caught here and gives me an idea of \u200b\u200byet another saga paranormal-romance-erotica (in the mold of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, to say ...). Considering that are in the process Yaoi-Love, I do not know that do with a story like this: + woman sweet and beefy idiot ... compreò but obviously, because I fell in love with pink purple-black on the cover!

- Bloody Valentine, Melissa de La Cruz = this book is part of the saga of the Blue Bloods, blue blood here in Italy (Fanucci published). In this saga, I read the first two books, then I left, disgusted and decided not to take it. Do you think this book will give up? Of course not! Indeed, it is likely that there obstruct an altar, for it ...

- The Immortals bag, Alyson Noel = this author I have not read anything, I know nothing, do not give a damn ... but chances are good that scucirò the pennies needed to buy this adorable box! X___x

SOS !!!!!!!
I am a hopeless case ç_ç

There is a disease which I trying to detox: the terriile Distortion Disney!
This is a disease that afflicts a lot of people, I think, because you can find at least half the people who grew up watching Disney films (you know ... half the world?)
What brings this disease? It 'easy to understand: no longer know what they are really fantastic!

Hey, wait a moment's thought: people who do not know Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast ... are imaginary creatures that are part of our unconscious ... but incorrectly!
Come on ... those who do not think, as you appoint the above as a singing mice, crabs conductors, you airhead and myeloma happy ending where the extraordinary power dell'Ammore converts every single creature in the good side of the Force?
That's fine for charity (I am beginning to think that the hippie ideals are all in Timon and Pumba, for example ...). The problem is that fables and fairy tales should be a great, sweet filter of reality - and let's face it, Disney versions are little.
I noticed original reading fairy tales, or those of Hans Christian Andersen and those of the Brothers Grimm. Go get them: some are so sad (and sometimes very, very cruel ) will leave you breathless.

Ma-cavolacci bitter! - are human.
They are like us.

With a little 'courage, if one day I will have children ... Come on, read it to him, the true story of the Little Mermaid.

Ps first step to heal the distortion Disney read the manga by Kaori Yuki Ludwig! (circles between the tags is the post about it ... XD)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Familial Tremor Natural Remedy

Martin Millar - Vex and Kalix (The Curse of the wolf boyfriend)

I just finished reading Vex and Kalix second chapter in the saga of the beautiful McRinnalch werewolves.
Again Martin Millar has delighted me with his fresh style, witty and kind. Rather than chapters, this novel is composed of scenes, each of which Millar gives his humor and his talent in describing and narrating cleverly surreal situations ... but also the most unrealistic. So, just as had happened in previous Girls Wolf, also in this chapter are bills to pay additional to bloody battles between werewolves, school report to write ed incantesimi da distruggere ...
Le avventure della tenerissima, incasinatissima Kalix McRinnalch , lupa mannara anoressica analfabeta e dipendente dal laudano, riprendono dall'appartamento che condivide con gli studenti Daniel e Moonglow , e dalla scuola che adesso dovrà frequentare con lo spirito di fuoco Vex , nipote della regina Malveria , amica della sorella di Kalix, la stilista-licantropo-maga-(stronza, aggiungo io) Thrix . Ma la scuola è proprio l'ultimo problema di Kalix, occupata com'è nel disperato tentativo di costruirsi una vita stabile, e contemporaneamente proteggersi, insieme alla cugina Dominil , increasingly audacious attacks of the Hunters Guild Avenaris of werewolves.
Again, Millar manages to weave the fine weave of characters and stories that revolve around the adorable Kalix. I was once again enchanted by these wolves in perfect balance between humanity and magic, and their stories more enjoyable (for me) and problematic (for them)! Excellent, as always, the character of Dominil, and partly also to Markus. Thrix is \u200b\u200bunbearable for me, but hopes nobody available to the coming into scene Decembrius ... not because I like it, but because any way is permissible because Kalix is \u200b\u200ba little 'peace! ^ O ^

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pokemon Silver Cut Attack

There was once a small otaku ... Exalted and supercharge

There was once a small otaku ...
was a gray and cloudy morning, and the little otaku had just returned from school. After lunch, went to her room with the pious intention of studying mathematics in the investigation that was waiting for the next day.
But lo! the influence of some evil genie, the little otaku started the computer and started surfing the net. The aim was to check the emails and then retire to an ascetic afternoon of study. But the evil goblin led the fingers of small, innocent otaku on the keyboard, so typed the name of his favorite manga. A world is opened before the eyes of the little sbriluccicanti otaku, who spent delightful hours reading fanfictions, downloading files, watching and covering omake.
It was so small that the otaku forgot to study mathematics ...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gum Abscess Under The Lip

- I do not answer my mind X3

Scleeeero total, I feel! I am a gassed that we can not guess - the fact that my hands are ticking on the keyboard should worry about the UN, the CIA and the FBI ... seriously, I now I'm dangerous! Sclera ENTHUSIASTIC ARE IN FULL!


In short, I was so busy - I did a study that was absurd, even today was not my day, I went almost a week later ..... THIS 'MIRACLE!! XD

The fact that it is only an hour listening to the old men do oh J-Ax and the DARI Bonjour does not help my brain ... X____X
ok, maybe I recover enough to write something more meaningful = D

A proposito di filosofia , è un po' di tempo che mi ero ripromessa di parlare dei libri di Pietro Emanuele . Suoi sono una serie di piccoli saggi che affrontano la filosofia in modo spiritoso e alternativo.
Invece di partire da spiegazioni di complicate teorie e quant'altro, Emanuele affronta il pensiero di ogni filosofo con freschezza e curiosità; non pretende di offrire manuali esatti, ma rende possibile anche ai meno esperti di accostarsi a questa disciplina in modo semplice e divertente. Il che NON VA SOTTOVALUTATO: la filosofia è pensiero, ragionamento, etico, è la mente umana che ragiona sulla condizione umana. Insomma, ognuno di noi dovrebbe avere a minimum of philosophical knowledge. Emanuele books are a great way to approach the topic.
Personally, I've read (and recommend them) two:
- Cogito ergo sum (published TEA) provides an overview of philosophy from ancient Greece to the contemporary, starting from those that have made famous philosophers ; clear from synthetic but rich in content, with an unexpected biographical attention, has proved a valuable handbook for quick review;)
- Philosophers red light (also for TEA) is a thin slender booklet ... that sparked my laughter and my mother (we read almost together) is a work of almost complete biography, and anyone who has studied philosophy knows that, pace of the professors, there's never time to explore the lives of thinkers. This book explores the relationship Emanuele that the great philosophers had sex. Prepare to be surprised - and sganasciarvi! XD

Now post some covers of his books, then go back to bounce around the room in question fibrillation post-XD

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bmi Caluculator With Breast Size

Doppio binario (Racconto a puntate: ultima puntata)

E così lei, algida donna del Nord, aveva conosciuto la passione; quella che fa stirare le labbra ai benpensanti, facendo scuotere loro la testa e mormorare "Ma cosa  troverà in quella?... ". La vita aveva ripreso a scorrere nelle sue vene intorpidite. Aveva ricominciato a sorridere. A ridere.
Una luce, insistente, la seguiva nonostante i suoi tentativi di seminarla, di ignorarla strizzando le palpebre.Cosa volevano ancora da lei? - pensò mentre qualcuno accanto a lei borbottava qualcosa. Doveva muoversi, farsi bella, scendere a controllare che mancasse nel garage comune la macchina della moglie the musician ... He bought a gift for him, for their first anniversary. He had put a ticket in the mail, inviting her out to dinner ... Green light: the car was not there! The short dress bubbled around the slender legs high-heeled sandals that made it even longer.
Here! He pulled the car to be lengthened to open the door on his side. She went up and the sky above his head was full of stars while the machine swallowed the road by increasing the speed. Why run that way? Did not have time to ask: flashing lights, reddish, darkened the glow of the stars next to her while someone yelled, complained ... Then the loud sound, tearing, of a siren pierced the skull, and shook the pain, the swallowing, the gripped. Greedy phagocytosis.
He opened his eyes. The doctor's coat smelled of Stretch and admires.
His son had swollen eyes: the beard, not shaved for days, giving him an air of weary men adult.
He tried to speak but his lips were dry and cracked. Her mother nodded in silence.
"It 's not a breath ..." whispered his companion and her husband gave a nod.
The question that surfaced in his eyes demanded an answer. Her husband whispered: "It 's dead."
She closed her eyes, reached. Recapture, surrendered to the vita.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pinky Promise Countdown For Myspace

Linguaggio gestuale

A noi, uomini e donne, è stata data in dono la possibilità di  fingere, e  le parole, al servizio di qualunque padrone, possono essere usate anche per mentire. Ma se il linguaggio verbale supporta la finzione, il linguaggio gestuale la tradisce, soprattutto con l’avanzare dell’età. Occhietti strizzati e ridotti a fessura denunciano la maldicenza femminile, bocche prive di labbra, ingoiate insieme a troppe parole non dette, nel tratto, zac, che sembra ferita di bisturi inferta a un volto, denunciano il peso, tutto il peso dell’avere subito e non scelto.
Con il passare degli anni, volto e corpo denunciano l’inganno e svelano our true nature. Surfaces in the vacuum of the squalor of a soul look frozen when the frowning face not discover the evil in that void, the poison that has ruled the death of the soul.
Never noticed some smiles that exhibit too many teeth, which bursts open to allow you to swallow every bite, even the most difficult and - as in the story of Little Red Riding Hood - "eat" better?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Batman Arkham Asylum Change Language

The ecoborse? Harmful, and contain lead

Sono l'accessorio obbligatorio per gli americani con una coscienza ecologica: le borse riciclabili, usate per la spesa al posto delle buste di plastica che sperperano petrolio - risorsa sempre più rara - inquinando.
Ma un nuovo studio rivela che queste shopping bag «verdi» contengono quantità di piombo potenzialmente dannose alla salute.
A lanciare l' allarme sono i media americani che citano la ricerca del prestigioso laboratorio indipendente TEI Analytical, secondo cui la metà delle shopping bag contiene livelli di piombo superiori (fino a 8 volte) ai livelli consentiti dalle leggi federali.
Insomma sono un rischio per la salute visto che, con l' usura, il piombo si sbriciola e finisce per contaminare gli alimenti.
Per promuovere il loro intento ecologista, la maggior parte di queste bag sfrutta il tema della natura, con immagini di alberi o della Terra sullo sfondo quasi sempre verde.
E i loro problemi non si limitano al piombo .
Secondo un altro studio (della University of Arizona e dalla Limo Loma University) le borse sarebbero «un vivaio di batteri potenzialmente letali» quali l' Escherichia coli.
Nella lista nera degli scienziati non sono finite soltanto le grandi corporation come Walmart e CVS Pharmacy ma persino il ministero dell' Ambiente Usa che, senza saperlo, ha distribuito borse tossiche per promuovere la Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Act, the new law which makes use of its proceeds from the sale of these bags to clean up the American River.
To end the scandal, the Democratic senator from New York, Charles Schumer, has written to 'agency Food and Drug Administration, urging her to open an' inquiry at the federal level.
L 'accessory, meanwhile, has infected the VIPs, from Bill Clinton to Sarah Jessica Parker. "The bags are recyclable, such as fluorescent light bulbs mercury," says Barry Lebost, a consultant in alternative energy, "are not the ultimate solution but a step in the right direction."

Alessandra Farkas

Page 31 (November 16, 2010) - Corriere della Sera