Friday, November 12, 2010

Wedding Blessing For Program

Doppio binario (Racconto a puntate: puntata n°4)

He turned round and stared at her face and off farm.
"How many years, Angela ...."
smiled at her inquiringly.
"Mary, the daughter of Peppino ..." He made a false
nodded and asked, "do not live here any more?"
"After the death of her husband went to live in the city: his son. It is time to time. Mette two flowers at the cemetery ..."
'And' what do I "cut him short with a smile, as already s 'walk along the road turning a short distance to climb spiral down the sides of the hill until you reach the cemetery on the knoll. The few words that followed the wind picked up scattering them on the grass.
He reviewed the road as he had so often done: young children who hopped beside noisy contending his hand and arguing with each other. The sun melted the snow high in the sky that fell from the branches in an aqueous flicker than the pine. The main gate: Tomb of the family was called for aggressive and heavy on small stones around her, as if it were a swarm obsequiously circondasserero a leader of soldiers on horseback.
It was then that he saw her. Stood out clearly carving out a space in the whiteness glittering landscape, the black dress that fell on the slender body mingling with the mass of dark, glossy hair, a veil that obscured his eyes. He stared for a long moment, taking the measurement. Suspicious.
"Angela: I never thought I'd review" said his mother-in-law.
"Life is no surprise. Again!" answered approaching. He wondered who wore the hat too elegant, not very suited to the location and the season, as the dress and shoes high-heeled black suede.
"You have not changed," he added, with a certain envy, noting that the face, the haughty profile, it was still beautiful, incredibly beautiful for her age, and the need to justify himself to her leads her to tell her "I know that you have not approved my decision, but ..."
The woman looked at her, waiting. Or was she who mistook waiting for what was only a veneer of polite indifference?
began to speak, the voice in the silence of the place had become almost a whisper incomprensible, while she was trying to give those words that came from his lips barely a fullness that did not have. Why could not articulate the words, or to detach from each other? They were like a raging torrent, the expression of anxiety now that overflowed flooding the overwhelming silence, bouncing off the tombstones and on the face of the woman, davanti a lei, la osservava fredda, distante, l'espressione immobile, come quella dei volti che le lapidi incorniciavano nel gelo del marmo.
Il rancore, mai superato del tutto, la soffocava e il silenzio dell'altra, lungi dal calmarla, aumentava la sua rabbia mentre le accuse rivolte al marito rimbalzavano su quel nome, il nome della rivale, che le sue labbra nominavano torcendosi.
"Be', dimmi qualcosa, rispondimi!" esclamò alla fine, sempre con quella voce soffocata, innaturale, monotona che non le apparteneva. La risposta fu un enigmatico sorriso, seguito da un gesto fatto la mano: quasi un gesto d'addio che tale si rivelò quando, distratta da un frullo d'ali, dopo aver seguito il volo di un bird, noting she lowered her gaze, surprised that there was no one in front of her and the only noise you heard was the faint squeaking coming from the open door that gave access to the family tomb. A feeling of fear, the vice stomach and hurry, the rush for a few minutes he had granted a truce, pushed her back to get in gear ... To go and, like a hunted animal, running to escape something, to someone. Few seconds were enough to reach the gate and exit.
had begun to snow again.
(more. ..)


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