Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Get My Wife To Wax

Doppio binario (Racconto a puntate: puntata n°6)

Dopo aver lanciato un'occhiata verificando che non ci fosse nessuno sul pianerottolo o lungo le scale,  lei aveva raggiunto in tutta fretta la porta del suo appartamento dove l'aveva accolta la sua immagine, riflessa nello specchio dell'ingresso - scapigliata, le scarpe in mano, quelle labbra arrossate e lo sguardo chiaro insolitamente allegro - che le era apparsa improvvisamente estranea.
Eccitata e insonne si era affacciata alla finestra, contemplando la città che si andava svelando alla luce chiara dell'alba. Quella selva di houses, where the windows looked like holes left by bursts of bullets, had not notified the usual feeling of loneliness, but rather that the city had seemed the winking, accomplice, an eye, protecting it with the darkness and silence of the streets without ever sounds of the metropolis. There were, as always, doors creaking, banging and swearing that followed, as if to emphasize the simultaneous presence, hidden by night, an underground life, vaguely sinful, lewd and dangerous.
had begun so that story ever told anyone, not kept secret out of shame, but for the fear to see it vanish like mist the sun, as it were a dream, thought for a moment in the transition state of consciousness of waking already part of reality.
had changed, as if a light had turned on the inside to illuminate the eye. His slender body was a bit 'watered, the pitch had become safer, the shoulders were giving to straighten his posture, and so have resigned, a new security.
Everyone, even in the family had noticed.
Al mate, very sure of his fidelity, had told him of improbable and gynecological disorders, with white lies, which she pretended to believe, was already interested in her best friend that, when he spoke of him, blushed and snorted, blaming the fact equally improbable chill by the menopause.
He had discovered the powerful allure of transgression and the excitement of the ambiguity ...
(more. ..)



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