Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marlin Mod. 336cs Mico-groove Barrel 30/30 Win.

"Living" Terra Futura

Terra Futura visitors can learn about and touch examples and projects dedicated to the 'live' low environmental impact.

Back successful fifth edition of "Architecture and Sustainability Award", whose best works will be awarded on Friday 29 May.

Applications for participation in the 2010 edition were over a hundred testifying to the importance achieved by the competition.

news, insights, latest technologies are the protagonists in the "Natural Living" where exhibitors display products and projects.

Among latest trends in terms of architecture, engineering design and construction are reported models proposed by KeoHabitat employing, among others, unpublished materials from the reuse of plastic wood and paper.

environmentally sustainable buildings and energy-independent, with the help of system from renewable energy sources, are being presented by Wo-Ties with the study of Codazzi Colico (LC).

Terra Futura also EAAP-Alternative Projects for Energy and Environment, with outreach work, the door InformaEnergia, projects of environmental education, training initiatives, etc..

Keo ( )

ecosystem protection activities

Keo is a design company that brings together a group of professionals inspired by the principles of ethics.
He deals with engineering of waste, converting waste to a resource problem by building projects economically and technologically sustainable.
at Savigliano (Cn)

Keo chooses to present future Earth KeoHabitat its construction model based on the use of materials and environmentally friendly technological solutions and cost-effective.

Keo search firms and designers sensitive to environmental issues who wish to convert their own way of designing, construct and produce. (Redevelopment of its production cycle to the construction of buildings with very high efficiency and high level of comfort) specialist in the treatment of sewage and solid waste through the enhancement of the waste
(es.digestori, pyrolyzed, micoculture etc. ...).



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