Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kates Playground Horse Foot

Strategies for a sustainable planet: the challenge of the green economy

Friday, May 14 at 17:30
Hall di Rappresentanza della Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di

San Paolo Piazza Bernini 5, Torino

Lester Brown , fondatore del Worldwatch Institute e promotore e presidente dell'Earth Policy Institute, considerato dal Washington Post “ uno dei più influenti pensatori del mondo ” sarà a Torino venerdì 14 maggio , alle 17,30 , presso la Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo in Piazza Bernini 5, per presenziare al seminario

" Strategie per un pianeta sostenibile: the challenge of the green economy. "

The meeting is organized by the Institute for Environment and Education Schola Futuro Onlus and publishing environment with the help of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin." Competition " between politics, economics and natural points of no return: this is the focus addressed by Lester Brown in his speech.

established that business as usual, the current model of economic development can not continue much longer, Brown proposes a change of perspective, an alternative performance undertaken by the Western societies: a real "Plan B" with massive intervention to restructure the world economy .
A market which is permitted to ignore the indirect costs in the allocation of prices of goods and services is irrational, sink resources and ultimately self-destructive this is why, Brown said "the key to building a world economy that can sustain economic progress is the creation of a market honest and tell the truth about their ecological costs .
"We can watch helplessly in an economy that continues to engulf the natural systems that support up to destroy itself or we can adopt Plan B - writes in the new, updated edition Plan B 4.0 just published by Edizioni Ambiente - can be the generation that reverses direction, moving the world toward a path of sustainable progress. "

The seminar involved Bistagnino Louis, Professor of Industrial Design (Politecnico di Torino), Guido Bolatto , Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino, Giulio Mondini , deputy director of the institute SiTI (Institute Higher Territorial Systems for Innovation) and Professor at the Politecnico di Torino.

participate Anna Maria Poggi, president of the Foundation School for the Compagnia di San Paolo, Mario Solomon, president of the Institute for Environment and Education Schola Futuro Onlus Apostle Claudia, Italy 3 Environment Rai journalist.

Lester R. Brown is the founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is interdisciplinary and develop a plan for a sustainable future and a path showing how to get there.
He was the founder and president of the Worldwatch Institute, the most authoritative observatory trends of the environment of our planet.
He has published over 50 books, translated into over 40 languages, and has received 24 honorary degrees.

We thank the Foundation for the Jesuit school of St. Paul for their kind cooperation.
There will be a simultaneous translation service.
partecipazione.Ingresso free certificate is issued subject to availability.

Please confirm your presence at the number 011 4366522



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