turns 18 tomorrow ...
very nearly fail to realize: I'm going to really become an adult!
Still, I do not know: Will I never gave much importance to birthdays, or maybe because I just can not imagine how my life will change tomorrow or the next day ... the end, I know it will some 'business as usual.
But ... but they are still an adult! I am a citizen, I can vote and drive a car ... I can also go to jail, but in the end ... this is nice too!
Why I'm starting tomorrow ... IO! I am a person legally and socially active and recognized. And this is ... crazy! Fantastic!
So, come on ... I'm happy to take 18 years! XD

Lately my nerves were really threatened to blow up, atomic style: it's just been a terrible time at school, chock full of checks. In the end, however, sono contenta, perché così passerò il weekend del mio compleanno senza studiare! ^^
Letture della settimana:
Ultimamente sto rileggendo un sacco Shakespeare: quest'uomo meraviglioso mi aiuta a tornare in equilibrio con il mondo e con me stessa *_*
Immagini della settimana:
Le due a colori che concludono l'ultimo capitolo di Kuroshitsuji 8ç____
*sbav sbav sbav* 8ç
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