Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wedding Dance Cheat Mode Mount & Blade

E finalmente pianse

And finally cried all the tears

chilled by the wind,
from fake flies
justified, sometimes

in the cage grudge

stifled tears in lonely nights
on pillows to freshly laundered
hide weaknesses
never shown

Tears of a woman as gall

love, like travelers in the desert


exploded, as
scream, as
Attempt to silence,

force requires that the weakness

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Fill Out A Da 4187

Hamlet - The Bard on the Stage (2)

How can one describe a work the likes of Hamlet?

This is one of the supreme masterpieces of the Bard, as we can review?

The plot is much more complex than you imagine: Hamlet, the melancholy Prince of Denmark, has to carry out the revenge of the late King's father. To kill the king were his wife, Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, and his brother Claudio, who became a lover of the queen, and now sits on the throne. When the ghost of his father reveals to Hamlet the truth, the prince, already dissatisfied with the world and life, sinking into despair, anger and, above all, uncertainty: all the values \u200b\u200bhe believed in seems broken, and Hamlet is found completely alone in its heavy and unpleasant task. Mission that will bring pain, madness and rivers of blood in the royal castle of Elsinore ...

Comment on this masterpiece is difficult: Hamlet is a work full of complex issues, modern, focusing on the folds hidden in the human mind.
Above all, this is a work that not peace: it is made of questions ...

Hamlet is young - that of the prince, frustrated youth, youth atypical because Hamlet has a sadness in your heart, disgust and mistrust, to the world, just an older person, who has already seen too much .
Hamlet is insane. But what the real mad, in Hamlet?
And 'that the prince pretends to be able to act unhindered. Or the fiction itself is a form of madness? But then, we are sure that Hamlet is pretending? We are confident that there is really crazy?
Or maybe the real madness is one in which Ophelia sinks, the real innocent victim of the tragedy.

Hamlet is honor and justice ...
But that justice is one that is wet with blood, which is based on the blood and revenge? What actions are just and legitimate, including those of Claudius or Hamlet?

Hamlet is, finally, courage .... to live or die?
courage to die, of course, to sacrifice to restore justice and order in the court and, more broadly, in the world.
But even dare to live, despite living is evil, despicable, cold, daunting.
courage to live, as Hamlet says to his friend Horatio to tell the truth.

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Sogno o son desta?

Two films, James Cameron's Avatar and Inception by Christopher Nolan, make me think ... Both, despite their obvious differences, they move on the low ridge that separates dream from reality. And what if the dream is not one of the most common - but no less powerful - expressions of the potential of the brain?
He daydreams - we know - but because of the ability to dream experience sinking into sleep, sleep that allows access, when it comes to the world - seems to have dreams, even in the womb - to this intangible but powerful dimension of the fantastic.
I think the dream vision, before the desire, or need, deep and inescapable, man forced into a life punctuated by the alternation of opposites. The soldier at war dreams of peace, healing the sick in the ward and the emotion that keeps alive the dream is the hope. Without the hope that the dream come true, life becomes difficult.
Cinema, dream factory, thanks to a technology more advanced approaches to the most delirious dreams, those in which emotions are unleashed, the physical sensations you esaltani, borders - any border - blow flies and humans, pirouette, dies and is reborn, lifting the veil of the unconscious that allows the dream to explore.
There are no more unexplored lands in the physical world, but what about the brain are the first discoveries, and, just like Christopher Columbus discovered America, we can be sure that it is not India?
Science, Technology and emotions are the trade winds that make us go, the wind, to new horizons, while the acute sensitivity that makes the eye of an artist makes a glimmering prospect of future that is fantastic because it realized, or not feasible?
is certain is that the boundary between real and imaginary, in the wake of a virtual reality more powerful and invasive, becomes unstable giving way to something new ... and unimaginable.
And if it were the real dimension of dreams and everyday life a kind of Kafkaesque nightmare? If instead of treating the sick body medicine in the future by manipulating the brain, lead us into a world where life was thought, lived and not the disease, reduced to disturbing thought, could be removed, expelled from the mind, as well as leaves from his face with a hand gesture a fly inappropriate?
And the young, closer to the future of the elderly in their favor this escape from reality, in this stunning desire to take them over , are the new explorers set off in search of the unknown, or children who are lost The forgetting of touch with reality?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mount And Blade Watch Tower

Tomorrow I'm 18 ...

turns 18 tomorrow ...

very nearly fail to realize: I'm going to really become an adult!
Still, I do not know: Will I never gave much importance to birthdays, or maybe because I just can not imagine how my life will change tomorrow or the next day ... the end, I know it will some 'business as usual.
But ... but they are still an adult! I am a citizen, I can vote and drive a car ... I can also go to jail, but in the end ... this is nice too!
Why I'm starting tomorrow ... IO! I am a person legally and socially active and recognized. And this is ... crazy! Fantastic!

So, come on ... I'm happy to take 18 years! XD

snort of the week:

Lately my nerves were really threatened to blow up, atomic style: it's just been a terrible time at school, chock full of checks. In the end, however, sono contenta, perché così passerò il weekend del mio compleanno senza studiare! ^^

Letture della settimana:
Ultimamente sto rileggendo un sacco Shakespeare: quest'uomo meraviglioso mi aiuta a tornare in equilibrio con il mondo e con me stessa *_*

Immagini della settimana:

Le due a colori che concludono l'ultimo capitolo di Kuroshitsuji 8ç____
*sbav sbav sbav* 8ç

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The Merchant of Venice - The Bard on the Stage (1) artist

Sto rileggendo (forse per la 70.000 volta) Il mercante di Venezia, del mio adorato et venerato William Shakespeare: un'opera succestiva, e piena di sfumature, che secondo me anticipa di secoli e secoli tanto la psicologia quanto la moda degli antieroi oscuri, a cavallo fra Bene e Male ...

La storia è quella di Antonio, ricco mercante veneziano che, per aiutare l'amico Bassiano a corteggiare la ricca e bella Porzia, si fa garante per lui presso Shylock, astuto usuraio ebreo.
Disprezzato ed osteggiato dai cristiani della città, primo fra tutti lo stesso Antoio, Shylock si vendica fissando un'ammenda very unusual if the loan will be paid on time, Antonio will have to pay with a pound of his flesh ...

I could rant for hours about what the style of Shakespeare is magical and sublime, be perfect in every possible situation, so I avoid: I did understand the concept, no? ;)

What fascinated me is the characterization. In this at work, in fact, the Bard puts aside the absolute character, and is concentrated in the paint the protagonists in a more subtle way. No character is therefore neither good nor bad, and above all no one seems to respect its place in society.
Antonio, a merchant and a leading man, does not pay much attention to material goods, and is primarily a fatalist and a melancholic, disillusioned and dissatisfied with the world. To be truly valuable is the friendship, and a dear friend as Bassett does not hesitate to put in play even his body.

And what about Portia, the beautiful damsel surrounded by suitors? Like all women of Shakespeare, reveals an enterprising and a courage that few would associate with her sex.

But most interesting is the character Shylock.

should be the villain par excellence, but it's really difficult to consider that, because Shylock is especially la vittima di una società che lo rifiuta in tutti i modi. Ed il rifiuto è davvero l'elemento che caratterizza la vicenda di Shylock, abbandonato persino dalla figlia Jessica. E' questo insieme di rifiuti che inasprisce il suo carattere. In Antonio vede il perfetto rappresentante di un mondo nel quale non trova posto; per questo lo sceglie come oggetto di vendetta. Come non commuoversi davanti a questo personaggio vessato, ma mai indebolito?

Un ultima considerazione va fatto in merito ad uno dei tanti adattamenti cinematrografici del Mercante, quello del 2004 diretto da Micheal Radford, che vede lo schierarsi di tre attori d'eccezione: nella parte di Bassiano c'è Joseph Fiennes (che in Shakspeare in Love played the Bard himself), we find Jeromy Irons as Antonio and Shylock is played by Al Pacino really superb. These two actors, in particular, give the best, and are also perfect as antagonists, they both convey a great strength of character, perfectly suited to the silent challenge between Antonio and Shylock.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Non solo bunga, bunga

Where is this country going? It has a direction or are simply turning on itself, waiting? Waiting for what? Maybe take one minute or a day or a year of silence. Clear sound, and open your eyes and then think. Berlusconi finished - and not just recently - is a zombie that history is dragging along: a whale is mortally wounded, surrounded by sharks, which feed voraciously because of his remains still full of himself, his name and of his money, mouth and belly of the political class around him. Excuse to justify not making a living, not to decide, do not take responsibility, thank goodness for Silvio.
Fini e Bocchino, se non dovessero occuparsi di lui, dovrebbero rispondere al Paese asssumendosi la responsabilità del disastro a cui stiamo assistendo, frutto di scelte politiche che hanno pienamente condiviso con il Premier. L'opposizione dovrebbe analizzare le ragioni della sua inconsistenza politica invece di rimarcare il bunga, bunga e la gente, i cittadini, invece di aspettare la nuova puntata della telenovela che ci viene propinata, dovrebbe farsi un esame di coscienza: sulle scelte politiche fatte, sull'astensionismo elettorale, sulla propria inconsistenza civica.
La forza di Berlusconi si è alimentata, ha trovato la linfa per crescere nel Paese che, evidentemente, è cresciuto poco sotto il profilo democratico. Anche negli anni del miracolo economico, del PIL che saliva, gli italici difetti - che tutti conosciamo - mimetizzati dietro a un benessere che aveva steso una pennellata bianca a nascondere le magagne, sono rimasti quelli di sempre, abilmente smascherati da parole, tante, troppe parole gonfie di retorica e false, soprattutto false.
Quanti furono i partigiani? Quanti i politici che si opposero veramente al fascismo, pagando un prezzo personale altissimo, se rapportati ale folle oceaniche stipate nelle piazze ad applaudire il Duce? Quante le persone di sinistra per scelta ideologica e non perchè in certi anni diventò di moda riempirsi la bocca di certe affermazioni?
Di Berlusconi penso ciò che pensai tanti anni fa quando a Milano apparvero written on the sides of buses "Foooza Italy" and curiosity led me to inform me about the character who was behind the initiative, which led to the establishment of a new movement, discovering the first cheating. So no surprise I caught the last performance in front of the Premier, but it is on those who suddenly grasps - today - the limits and the inability of government that I find myself suspicious. I would not want that in a few months is no longer a Berlusconi as fascists disappeared after '45.
Ours is a very skilled people to change their uniform, perhaps because the shelter of a uniform is enough to obey orders, without assuming responsibility? Even though I hope that soon, as quickly as possible, Berlusconi scpmpaia from the political scene, I can not but note with concern that a country different from our policy would have blocked the entry into such a character. Because we did not happen? E 'on these grounds that we should begin to bring clarity, not on Buga, bung it already deals with the Judiciary. And at this point that the responsibility, collective and not a single character, they are difficult to deal with and even painful, but unavoidable in my opinion.