"... .. My love!
Made of shiny leather, a breath that fills your chest, blood that is ... my throbbing temples. I look at you with incredulous eyes to the beauty that is refracted against. It searches all your hint, afraid to explore the growing distance between our naked bodies.
arms wrap on your back and sides, like roots that bind the soil is fertile, in need of suck vital substance. So, sigh, still. Wrapped in a soft thought that I was born at the corners of your mouth moist kisses exchanged unhurried bites. Those rounded corners are stretched in a stretch of purple velvet and undulates her lips quiver and that turns into a smile.
I need your body. To hear the line between my human love and the love that has always lived in every man ...
passion amplifies the senses and sank his teeth grip on your mind has to become prey. It 'a kiss or perhaps a hundred which will mark the time of our movements, slow and thrifty; greedy because I want to retain all remaining motionless.
A tear drop of light from dawn to comes and floods the front of your wax, the color bursts of the master of the day which promises to be even more pale. The spark of light bounces off the eye lashes dark and emphasizing the natural bridge of the nose slide on which I am delighted with your fingers. On the first warm
amplifies the scent of a woman, as intoxicating as ever. Enchantment, mystery, a kind of alchemy teacher in tying emotions to perceptions. In a circle in which intertwine alternately touch, taste and smell, making the anchor chain or wire to the kite. Able to bring into the abyss of the unknown or the heights of supreme knowledge, never losing contact with the body remaining boat at the mercy of the currents. How
your stay is delightful, sapendoti that part of me that does not belong to me completely, so you have to start the conquest, the discovery of that world and still a virgin pure. Earth coveted, and soon spotted already disappeared. Mirage. You leave the head on his shoulder
discovering his neck pulsing at a steady rate. It 's a fully enjoy leaving unprotected a weak party to the life and meaning. A gift metaphor, perhaps an invitation. On the impetus for that beloved bait
blunt, nibble your skin moist.
I feel your every cell to respond with a sudden metamorphosis. It becomes rough, wrinkled, swollen. The excitement of the league every little nerve es'impadronisce consciousness. Then, lentamente, quiete e ritorna al morbido.
“Mio amore…!” rimbalza tra la lingua e i denti, poggiandosi sulle mie labbra che accolgono le tue. E la voce che riconosco mi presenta un suono ancora nuovo, unico. Melodia che introduce ad un silenzio polifonico fatto di frequenze sconosciute all’uomo; pentagramma invisibile che trascrive un’opera in continua improvvisazione.
Sarai tu a dirigere, come sempre, gli strumenti del nostro idillio; perfettamente accordati sulla frequenza che conduce al sempre per sempre. Ogni nota un’unità di misura che saprà valutare non solamente il tempo, ma intensità e la qualità del suono che i nostri corpi emetteranno nella vibrazione d’amore.
“Amore My ... "escapes from my mind in the logic of possession which deadens all purity settle the simple desire to belong. Claim a right of first refusal on all the thoughts that run even the narrow streets between head and heart.
opens his eyes as if to reassure you about who they are and smile uncovering infant. Still too small for that love can destroy huge or sublimate. I feel your fingerprints tickle the face opening of a contact between two different identities, additional episodes in the same direction.
"My love ... .." whispers yet firm tone and sweet. And I understand the meaning, its pedagogy. Decode the message. That sound is just as if it were a gift gift to be granted to those who love you much. It still offers unique, without hesitation or fear, trusting essence of consciousness with tiny drops that wet the great sea.
Meeting the step in the right direction. Our bodies
polished resume pitching close as two small boats, anchored, adrift.
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