Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wedding Thank You Card Wording In Spanish

Legendary Teams: Ajax 1969-1974

P roprio as the legendary Greek hero (Ajax), from which it borrows the name Ajax has always been a team combative, stubborn, stubborn, and has always been known as a hotbed of great talenti del gioco del calcio. L’apice venne sicuramente raggiunto nel quinquennio 1969-1974....


In un calcio ormai noioso, quasi scontato, che viveva sulle prodezze dei fuoriclasse e su schemi tattici consolidati e conosciuti , il geniale Rinus Michel (e Stefan Kovacs poi) propone finalmente qualcosa di nuovo, plasmando una squadra senza debolezze e fautrice di un gioco spumeggiante e vincente, binomio fino a quel momento sconosciuto. Nacque così il famoso "calcio totale ".

From the tactical point of view theoretically Ajax to field a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-4. Theoretically. The eleven players on the field move like crazy swirling for 90 minutes, exceeding the design tasks the player with "stuck". Players attack the spaces and the ball carrier opponents as angry. The game proposed by Michel and airy and then voted to attack: the ball carrier always have at least 3-4 free companions, and playing without the team does not propose a fixed position reference points of their opponents, often creating confusion. The defense is very high and also the goalkeeper role notoriously susceptible changes in Dutch total football played several feet over the goal line, becoming almost a free role. The only two players less "mobile" is the director and one of the central defense.
Obviously, a similar type of game requires great athletic means : the middle distance applied to football. Rinus Michels before, and then inventing Kovacs very hard physical training, aimed at increasing physical endurance of the players, leaving out - at least in part - the mere technical aspect.

In those five years glorious Ajax is a showcase to the world and also showcases talents: the first is of course on all Johan Cruijff , one of the best players ever. Johan is a so-called "center-switching", an attacker can face multimillion over the offensive, pointing out also its extraordinary qualities of man teams.
Player fast, imaginative, and assistman man team, Cruijff is certainly one of the best interpreters of this type of game. If Johan is the spearhead of this team should not be underestimated the role played by another teammate, or Johan Neeskens . These, more than any other player, probably more than Cruijff, personified the players 'total' proposed dall'Ajax. Born as a defensive midfielder but able to pull in every role, is the prototype player of the modern multi-faceted and eclectic: he can play anywhere from center back to furthest point. Neeskens had everything: physical media, in particular, extraordinary stamina, vision, great shot from outside, time for inserts and willingness to sacrifice as few players in the history of the sport.

Other important players were Velibor Vasovic, strong defender and the first foreign captain in the history of Ajax, the other talented defender Rijnders, the rapid Suurbier right-back, the left wing Piet Keizer, fast player and the considerable technical resources, Arie Haan, director of the team, and, finally, Ruud Krol, left back and free from large technical and physical, rightly considered one of the strongest defenders of the Dutch ever.

The cycle ended with the departure of Ajax, Barcelona target, the two players most representative: Neeskens and Captain Cruijff. In these five years, Ajax won three national championships and three Dutch Cups, three Champions Cups in a row and one Intercontinental Cup.

Formation :

Heinz Stuy (goalkeeper)

Velibor Vasovic (free) / Horst Blankenburg

Nico Rijnders (stopper) / Barry Hulshoff
Ruud Krol (left back)
Wim Suurbier (right back)

Gerrie Muhren (center-left inner midfielder)

Arie Haan (director of midfield)
Johan Neeskens (midfielder box-to -box-midfielder-defender-median)

Piet Keizer (left wing)
Johan Cruijff (center forward operating) / Dick van Dijck
Sjaak Swart (right wing) / Johnny Rep


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