Friday, January 15, 2010

Gemini Security System Hack

Touch The Hand Dancer

I saw you and I recognized the sign ...
The heart spoke to me of your eyes clear and sharp. And he looked fascinated and wanted to lose myself to find you through the maze of my mind still thinks that stories unattainable dream that lives within. And this time I learned to find the words to half the distance, lay silently on a bridge shaken and insecure dropped or from which you can find salvation.
opened your mouth to breathe a quick, tiny scrap of life. And I remained spellbound, absorbed in the abyss that told worlds away yet close.
I called your name using the honey and gold to color the sound of the voice with soft consonants and vowels invaluable. You kept motionless, absorbed in your world who knocked stranger. Thus the expectation and excitement wove together a string of value with which mend the pieces of my heart that expanded unwary.
Sembrasti a comet that passes and sweeping away leaving only the light reflected in the memory.
D’un tratto, senza avviso, le labbra tue si schiusero, ed io pensai, per dire. Ci fu silenzio spesso come una coltre candida, glaciale eppur bianchissimo. Poi il movimento seppe alzare gli angoli estremi di quella fessura carnosa pittata di porpora e amaranto e fu un sorriso timido.
Il segno tanto atteso tornava a incoraggiare il mio ardimento. Aprii un passo lungo verso il tuo confine ignoto e mi trovai ad un attimo da quelle labbra isola. Cercavo approdo morbido, anche se incerto e proibito; pertanto perlustravo le tue espressioni ingenue. Quando capii il messaggio, mi parve di svenire perché la risposta chiara parlava ai sentimenti. Perciò non badai più a nulla e il nulla riempì la mente di sogni, di stranezze, di immagini irreali.
Courage is a madness that challenge even the fate and produces unconsciousness in his crazy with companies triumphal endings. That is why the story is about heroes, not fools. While
viravo route back from heart to conscience felt a feather touch my cheeks. I looked up and saw the footprints draw your face, write a love. I smiled. Smiled. And the world was wonderful because for a while talking to us. In that silence
static ... I asked her hand!


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