Monday, March 7, 2011

Pictues Of Bloody Stools

Women's Day ___ Considerazini dolceamare the eve ...

And we got another 8 March ...

TOMORROW is International Women's Day! And we must celebrate, oh we all representatives of the female sex.

Already ... festecciamo but what?

With what bitterness I have to realize that there would be little to celebrate ... Why
on Google Images when you type things like "women" "woman" and the results are half naked bodies and various other kind of questeo ... Click
controversy is so useless and sterile ... Unfortunately, the reality is still this: the woman is still too often an object, trapped in a variety of stereotypes, none of which really seems to recognize the immensity and variety of the female.

And yet .... However, it is precisely why we must celebrate! For this we need to fill the city of mimosa, pinning to his chest as a brash, cheerful Signal

to reiterate our strength and our energy
to show that we women have
consciousness of who we are and we are proud!

((She wears her make-up onlike graffiti on the walls of the heartland))
colors on our eyes and our faces
for break down the walls of mediocrity
((She is paranoid like endangered species into extinction headed))
attentive to the signs of these subtle attacks
there are people of both sexes seem to want to destroy our uniqueness!
((She is also like an endless war hero for the lost causes))
never stop fighting
to defend our right to live there love dream
((Like a hurricane in the heart of the devastation))
Hurricane dreams and love and strength and hope
we be non-stop to fight
to remind the world how we are valuable

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Change

Angels - Tribute to youth

I look and I remember
when I was both light and approximate
angels angels real shit
kept up with the rope from the sky

Angels musicians and just
sent to school to learn the choirs

Angels farmed
well fed in order to become or sirens

Angels of love and disaffection
same way

Angels boys overwhelming
dust in the sun and stars American
not see again

Angels that anger that I do
beautiful from far far

light of stars that came to my hand ....

(Roberto Vecchioni - Angeli)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Claddagh Ring Images Of How To Wear

Dittatori e dittatorielli

I also like along the streets of Tripoli and Benghazi to look people in the eye, and then let his eyes slide over the crowd. Cheaper by the crowd in a demonstration, dispersed by the terror of shots, holed up in houses through cracks in the windows and listened as the words slip from mouth to mouth and are the words of those who live in that situation on their own skin, who has children and daughters, husbands, fathers and mothers in those squares. Instead, the words I hear, insistent hum of the mosquito, are those of the talks about what is happening ... I wonder what prompted them to say, just scream!, I feel about what they want or, first of all, what they do not want more. I would advise them to be careful to resist interference or aid is not disinterested, move beyond the glow of anger bursts, which gives the floodgates searching out the rebellion in the folds of the skin the courage, the courage that you did not know even the existence ...
I would like the West, which was enriched on their skin, would keep his mouth shut and not to send peacekeepers to guard - like vultures - their despair, paving arms only to show off and crying crocodile tears . We are not faced with barufe chiosote mold Goldoni, we are faced with the effort, but still confused, arrogant and imperious, to seek freedom of a people - the Arab - different customs, religion, history, but has the right to find its own way: with the times and ways that can only be their times and their ways.
As for Gaddafi, yes, dictators and dittatorielli Italy has a certain competence, but it would be the case that was taken care of and worry about what he has at home, before giving lessons in democracy to Libya